How to hack using Social Engineering From Darkteam


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What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering is the art of manipulating users of a computing system into revealing confidential information that can be used to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. The term can also include activities such as exploiting human kindness, greed, and curiosity to gain access to restricted access buildings or getting the users to installing backdoor software.

Knowing the tricks used by hackers to trick users into releasing vital login information among others is fundamental in protecting computer systems

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the common social engineering techniques and how you can come up with security measures to counter them.

How social engineering Works?


Gather Information: This is the first stage, the learns as much as he can about the intended victim. The information is gathered from company websites, other publications and sometimes by talking to the users of the target system.

1)Plan Attack: The attackers outline how he/she intends to execute the attack
2)Acquire Tools: These include computer programs that an attacker will use when launching the attack.
3)Attack: Exploit the weaknesses in the target system.

Use acquired knowledge: Information gathered during the social engineering tactics such as pet names, birth dates of the organization founders, etc. is used in attacks such as password guessing.
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