How To Jack Tumblr Accounts


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Tumblr Jacking Method

1. Go to so you can search for a trademark name ( you will need this for later ) http:// trademarkia . com

2. Search for the Tumblr name you would want on http:// trademarkia . com

3. Find a trademark on that word such as hackforums etc, just make sure that Tumblr does not already have a account of the trademark word

4. Look at the trademarks details, create a fake email and impersonate the trademarks company

5. Email: [email protected]

6. Tell the provider your speaking too that you own the Trademark and you want your url for your company and that no one can impersonate you, provide them with the trademark information. example of what you should say

[Dear Sir/Madam.

My Name is James and I am contacting you on behalf of <registered company name>. We're currently undergoing a social media upgrade for our company and noticed that our trademarked name has already been taken on your website. Is there any way we will be able to obtain this url through your support.

Below is our Trademark information of said term/name. ] [ thank vdub for this line ]

7. in a few days you will get a email from tumblr that should give you the url

This works 70% of the time
reply if you need more help or a more detailed tutorial

hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and keep on the watch for more HQ tutorials from me
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