How to make transfer from hached paypals


11 yrs. 4 mth. 30 days
Reaction score
1. You need a good Same state Socks5 must be very fresh like posted in 5 minutes or else it will decrease chance.
2. PP must be very fresh and ready to use.
3. You must use Mozilla Firefox and note Google Chrome.
4. Clear cache and use Ccleaner.
5. Log in your Real Paypal and make a buy now button
6. Go to or anyother sites that accept html
7. Create a buy now button or donation it's your choice.
8. After creating put the HTML button in blogspot and check it if it is working.
9. Now after checking and worked close firefox now and Clean cache and use ccleaner
10. Open firefox and put socks fresh on it.
11. Go to the blospot with the buy now button or donation.
12. Pay now on it using the PP balance or Cc attached on it.
13. You will get success on it
14. Just rape it if you want
15. Done, you just transferred the money on your account.
Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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