So I really don't get why people ask me how to deliver to an alternative address on eBay, it's easy.
Go to etc.
Register an account with the information of your drop address/owner, let's say the owner of my drop address is John Smith at 123 Fake Street, so after creating the account, go to the shipping address options and add your drop address, you don't need to add anything else, you may need to confirm the mobile number on the account.
Now find an item you want to buy, if you already have a PayPal account then you can now checkout and the item will be delivered to the address on eBay, not on the PayPal account, but if you want to card eBay then go to the checkout and use the pay by debit/credit card option, you will either be asked to enter the info in on eBay or make a payment through PayPal guest checkout (when you don't create an account but PayPal handles the card info) this let's you skip the need for ageing an account, eBay lets you use a completely different shipping address to the card holder's information.
Click confirm and pay now and hopefully everything should go through, eBay/PayPal does not use VBV or MCSC and they don't call to confirm the payment, everything is handled automatically with the least security.
The cache is that you need the perfect setup to give you the lowest risk/fraud score possible to beat PayPal, short answer: RDP (clean fingerprint), old email
Here's why it would fail:
- The IP address that you are using is blacklisted or has been used to create a PayPal account before, make sure the ISP is a residential provider and not commercial (I.E. Datecenters), the ISP should be Sky/Talk Talk or comcast etc. if the united states. basically it should be owned by a person like you or me, not a company, all you need to do is check the IP against the blacklists on and you can see if it's a residential IP here: and every blacklist should be green, but some such as will list your IP before you've even done anything wrong and chances are PayPal won't use that blacklist, you have no way of telling if the IP has been used before to create an account though.
- PayPal is using fingerprinting to identify your computer with previous fraudulent orders, or they detected that you switched/changed something about your browser in an attempt to fool the system, don't connect to the website until everything is setup, if you change your user agent or something and then revisit the site then they will spot this, I was unable to prevent PayPal fingerprinting me when using the CCleaner/Bleachbit, clear all cookies, LSO files etc. method, the reason why PayPal takes ages to load now is because they are performing a bunch of tests, the way to get around this fingerprinting is by purchasing an RDP instead of a socks, this gives you a new unused fingerprint and you won't need to disable any plugins such as webrtc or Java and having these enabled makes you look more trustworthy, disabling plugins/features looks suspicious and unusual.
- The email you created for the card holder was through gmail/outlook etc. the fraud prevention tools and especially PayPal are able to see when an email was created (I believe) go to to see for yourselfand use this website to test if your email is valid, this is the same website that fraudlabspro use to test the emails: try looking for an email provider who offer trials, you want to get an email domain which isn't free but also isn't new and has a good domain reputation, I'm not sharing my site as I don't want it saturated but it requires a mobile confirmation code to use the trial account, the best alternative to this is buying an email/password list and using an old email from there.
There are lots of tiny factors like checking the headers/language settings and removing languages, or checking for port 80 and port 25, using DNS servers other than the ones provided by the ISP etc. anything about your computer which stands out will cause red flags.
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Go to etc.
Register an account with the information of your drop address/owner, let's say the owner of my drop address is John Smith at 123 Fake Street, so after creating the account, go to the shipping address options and add your drop address, you don't need to add anything else, you may need to confirm the mobile number on the account.
Now find an item you want to buy, if you already have a PayPal account then you can now checkout and the item will be delivered to the address on eBay, not on the PayPal account, but if you want to card eBay then go to the checkout and use the pay by debit/credit card option, you will either be asked to enter the info in on eBay or make a payment through PayPal guest checkout (when you don't create an account but PayPal handles the card info) this let's you skip the need for ageing an account, eBay lets you use a completely different shipping address to the card holder's information.
Click confirm and pay now and hopefully everything should go through, eBay/PayPal does not use VBV or MCSC and they don't call to confirm the payment, everything is handled automatically with the least security.
The cache is that you need the perfect setup to give you the lowest risk/fraud score possible to beat PayPal, short answer: RDP (clean fingerprint), old email
Here's why it would fail:
- The IP address that you are using is blacklisted or has been used to create a PayPal account before, make sure the ISP is a residential provider and not commercial (I.E. Datecenters), the ISP should be Sky/Talk Talk or comcast etc. if the united states. basically it should be owned by a person like you or me, not a company, all you need to do is check the IP against the blacklists on and you can see if it's a residential IP here: and every blacklist should be green, but some such as will list your IP before you've even done anything wrong and chances are PayPal won't use that blacklist, you have no way of telling if the IP has been used before to create an account though.
- PayPal is using fingerprinting to identify your computer with previous fraudulent orders, or they detected that you switched/changed something about your browser in an attempt to fool the system, don't connect to the website until everything is setup, if you change your user agent or something and then revisit the site then they will spot this, I was unable to prevent PayPal fingerprinting me when using the CCleaner/Bleachbit, clear all cookies, LSO files etc. method, the reason why PayPal takes ages to load now is because they are performing a bunch of tests, the way to get around this fingerprinting is by purchasing an RDP instead of a socks, this gives you a new unused fingerprint and you won't need to disable any plugins such as webrtc or Java and having these enabled makes you look more trustworthy, disabling plugins/features looks suspicious and unusual.
- The email you created for the card holder was through gmail/outlook etc. the fraud prevention tools and especially PayPal are able to see when an email was created (I believe) go to to see for yourselfand use this website to test if your email is valid, this is the same website that fraudlabspro use to test the emails: try looking for an email provider who offer trials, you want to get an email domain which isn't free but also isn't new and has a good domain reputation, I'm not sharing my site as I don't want it saturated but it requires a mobile confirmation code to use the trial account, the best alternative to this is buying an email/password list and using an old email from there.
There are lots of tiny factors like checking the headers/language settings and removing languages, or checking for port 80 and port 25, using DNS servers other than the ones provided by the ISP etc. anything about your computer which stands out will cause red flags.
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