How To Pirate Movies [Without Ads]


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 14 days
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To pirate movies, you need three things:

1. A computer
2. A Proxy/Tor
3. Torrenting Software (Prefrably qBittorrent)

If you don't have a proxy or torrenting software I'll show you how to set them up in the next step.

Step 1 - Get a proxy

For this guide, I'm going to use to pirate movies from. Most ISP's will have blocked this website, preventing you from accessing it without a proxy, and even if they haven't, you probably don't want your IP stored in a site that involves piracy.

So, we need a proxy or a browser which we can access TPB (the pirate bay) from. If you already have a proxy/VPN, you can skip this step. If not, then you need to download tor. Tor is a browser + three layers of proxies built ontop of eachother. It allows for access to onionsites aka. dark web sites (breached forums has an onionsite too).

To download tor, go to, and choose the build for your specific system. Download it and go through setup. If you get stuck, fuck off and google your problem, dont reply, because i wont help you.

Once downloaded and setup, run it and head to

Step 2 - Download qBittorrent

Head to the qBittorrent website ( and download the correct version for your operating system. Download it and set it up.

Open it and click the cog icon up the top. Select connection, and change proxy server type to socks5. Set Host to and port to 9050

Step 3 - Find a move & pirate it

Go back to tor, search for any movie, find the magnet link, copy the link, and insert it into qbittorrents download option.

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