How To Reverse Engineer Pyarmor [OP Hack Bypass]


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5 yrs. 11 mth. 3 days
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Hey guys so as you know I like to reverse stuff from nulled well this time I decided to share how I bypass pyarmor so you can use it too.

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1. Use to extract the executable in Python 3.7

2. Using the extracted files, create the following directory structure


|-- martisor.pyc

`-- pytransform


|-- _pytransform.dll

|-- license.lic

`-- pytransform.key

1 directory, 5 filesFor running on Linux, you need downloadable from
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3. Install psutil using pip (Required for pyarmor). From now on, you can just run python3.7 martisor.pyc instead of the unpackme executable.

4. pyarmor encrypts the code objects on disk and they are only decrypted at runtime just before they are executed. The entire logic is implemented in _pytransform.dll. There are anti-debugging/timing checks to prevent us from using a debugger to dump code objects from memory. But there's no need to use a debugger at all when CPython itself is open source.

5. Compile Python 3.7 from source. Modify the _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault function such that it dumps the code object to disk. By doing so we do not need to bother about all the anti-debugging and encrypted stuff. This is because pyarmor decrypts the code object in memory before it hands it to the Python VM for execution.

6. Run strings on the dumped code object. We get many base64 strings. Like this one: CkdFTkVSQVRFLUtFWS0wWDcyR09ELVVOUEFDS01FCg==

7. Base64 decode and profit!
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