How to skim credit card information. Credit Card Skimming Tutorial


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How to skim credit card information. Credit Card Skimming Tutorial.​
What you need to start a professional (!) , And as productively as possible in accordance with their resources begin to engage in skimming ?​
1. Arms, legs and head on his shoulders .​
2. Minimum: Assistants ( 2 people). Better: workers / installers , and which will train .​
3. Start-up capital .​

Start-up capital :​
Minimum : 5k (1 device for rent + trip and related expenses per group)​
Recommended : 10k (2-3 devaysa to rent / buy one inexpensive devaysa + trip and related expenses per group)​
Professionals: 30k (buy 2-3 good trip + devices and related expenses per group)​

1 installer , 1 tenant ( It must be different people ) . 1-2 observer.​

First you need to plan everything well . A well-planned operation , it is 50 % of the case.​
You have in your head , and even better in my head and on paper have a full clear plan of action . From the idea to the last point : how to spend the money earned this plan should be worked out and did not have the " unsaid " moments , everything should be clear as day. How to go to the bakery : are you thinking about what you need to buy a couple of baguettes . Then you take with the money going to start the engine or take a bike, eat / go to the bakery , choose from the entire range of what you need and go back home. And all this without considering the force majeure ( the rain / bakery closed / favorites baguettes run out) .​
But in our case is much more difficult than going to the store.​
Therefore, a clear plan of action , painted responsibilities for each person and the system works as a whole , will help you avoid mistakes in the future. Perhaps expensive mistakes . Very expensive . After spending time in the preparation of N , you'll save yourself N * 3 times at work.​

Consider the situation : a person engaged in a particular topic. It is good money all the time , but over time it gets harder and harder to stay in this thread, it requires more and more time , and revenues are getting smaller . At the time, he had amassed a lot of money and put them on deposit in the bank. I want to open a real thing, but understanding that it kills a lot of time and income with not the worst scenario is 5% / month on investment , it is fundamentally not satisfied . He decides to just jump from one topic to another. And this theme will be skimming . He singles out for this event $ 30k , while addressing himself that no menial work will not be engaged . And the more that he that is left of the old decent amount of drops that are willing to work , then it becomes even easier. It remains only to educate them .​

Ideally, in this situation in order to immediately engage in a serious skimming , it will use a team of 7 people: 2 groups of 3 and one senior on both groups .​
What are the duties of the senior group : senior - is managing simple words . He is responsible for everything.​
You do not want to deal directly with 7 people and explain to each separately. All their talks , the team and the financial settlement including you run with the senior . And he , in turn, is giving the team installers / tenants , allocates finances within the group on your own, as well as the parallel exploration and , of course, a person is not light-struck , he is an observer in the work itself.​

Now the question arises before a man how to allocate finances. Buy a pack of cheap skimmers seems irrational. Having the ability , it is better to buy a good right : It was decided to buy 2 good skimmer ( for each group one at a time ) . Given that our work personally investor will not be, of course he is interested skimmers with remote data transmission. What is there in these days of the series? Transmission by radio , by sms, by gprs . The radio is no longer as an investor can even in a country that does not have a constant transmission + radio signal to find a point not make any problems . Sms: though it seems like a great way , we forget about one very big problem : security . SMS are not safe , because after removing the skimmer , with the sim card in the hands of the first thing the cops know where it is going information . Find out where there was a sim card while receiving sms simple matter , all the information is kept by the operator for a long time and has an accuracy of a few meters. And in every work to be an investor in different countries / cities is quite a complicated thing , and has an added disadvantage .​

It was therefore decided : to be bought gprs model. What are their advantages ? First, because we employ hired people , then it is important that we do not steal . And working with gprs equipment they even will not be tempted , because all the information will be sent directly into your hands , but still will be encrypted . Second, it is natural force majeure , when the equipment is removed . If your observers saw that the equipment is removed by anyone , they will instantly inform you about it and you instantly give the tracks on obnal . Nalyatsya first "native" tracks , then the tracks of other banks , and then other countries. Cashing in this order , you are more likely to have time to cash out all of the tracks come to you. And if the skimmer burned after 5-6 hours , then it is about 30 tracks in the middle seat , or in monetary terms 13 - 22k . Agree, nice bonus . Or option (rare , but it happens) , when the cops ambush . You have long been told of the ambush , so you sit quietly itself, taking the tracks and then they go to work. All those moments will save you money , and believe me, all this will save you money far greater than the cost of such equipment . Money is money, but what about security? That's the question gprs skimmers have total advantage over any other . Everyone knows about the advantages of sms skimmers , here there is more of the same + safety when receiving information. Since taking the information to the email / ftp no one will ever know not what to within a few meters (as in the case of the message) Where does all the information , and not even be able to know which country is the host equipment. Plus, sms can not send encrypted , the most that can be done is to substitute characters. In the case of gprs transferred completely zakriptovany packages that you can only open with the corresponding decryptor . In general there is nothing more to say , the benefits are clear .​
After reading all the above , the reader may get the impression that this is a hidden advertisement. But it's not, I'm just very glad that such equipment does not exist so that hews to the PM with questions about the sale.​

The body of the skimmer should naturally be as small and should not look like something alien , the benefit of modern technology permit.​

Gprs well . But that use the camera or pinpad ? I think the answer is obvious : of course pinpad . First, because we need the remote transmission . Second, because the camera we lose n% pins. A big " distance" , this results in a loss of a very decent money. Pinpad be minimally different from the actual pad atm . Ideally they should use the original keyboard + original material for the carpet .​
So in conclusion stories about pinpadah , let's diluted with a little text pictures.​
How to look good pinpad :​

So: set goals , equipment purchased, employees hired . What's Next ? Further exploration . And this in the next article.​

Successful skimming and ask you to think of skimming as a business , be prudent and cautious!
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