When it comes too spreading your bot's and your rats, it can be
quite easy or challenging for the average retard. What people
do no understand is that spreading is very easy depending on the way
that you do it. Below, is a FEW methods on how to spread.
Torrents: A very common way too spread files over the net
P2P: A few very good example is Limewire
IM: If you do this mixed with a bit of SE you have a good chance of infecting the victim
Warez: If you have a nice account which is trusted, start spreading your RAT
Personal Site: Upload a few files which are in your sites category binded with your rat
VIP: If you have VIP on a site, either make a fake tool and bind with your RAT, or leech
off another VIP site and share with your binded RAT
Hacking Sites: Lets say you want too get.. Runescape accounts. Find a autobot or somin
And bind your RAT and share on a Runescape hacking site. This way
You have more of a chance of getting runescape accounts.
How-To V1
In this first How-To, I will show you how too spread via Warez (Very Easy And Basic).
But before we do that you will need to do the following:
Have a Rat
A Cryptor < Buy or Make One >
A Binder < Buy or Make One
A File too Share < Find off a trusted warez site
Now, your wondering what a Binder & Cryptor is. Well here is a quick personal definition of both.
Cryptor: You could say it Encrypts your RAT so that an AV can not find it, or say it Scrambles the code
So it seems like a unknown file too the AV.
Binder: You use these too bind 2 or more files together so that when the main .exe file is opened
All the files which you binded open at once eg. You bind: file.exe > rat.exe and when you open
file.exe all the files open at once.
* I reccommend that you either crypt the RAT first and then Bind and crypt again, or Bind and then Crypt.
Ok now lets move on. Crypt your rat and bind with the Warez application. Now, find a board which deals with
illegal sharing of warez, here is a list I put together:
< Overused But People Are Retards >
< Apparently Good Too Spread >
< Build Trust, Get Good Post Count Then Spread >
< Alot of Bots Are On Here >
Ok, now that you found your warez forum you want too use signup and make a good post count, it is
not easy as a-b-c. I would reccommend that you get a post count of about 50+ and also get a nice
looking avater and signiture, it normally makes people want too trust you. Now that you have a good looking
post count you probbly want too post your binded warez in the appropriate section, but recently I have found
a good way of spreading which is by posting in the guest section, and hoping that it gets put onto a site
Because 100's and 1000's of people vist these kinds of sites hourly, you got a good chance of potentional
victims visiting and downloading your binder warez and getting infected, but you have too make sure
that your RAT is crypted or you just fucked your chances up of even getting one victim. But here is another little
trick which has worked in the past for me.
Find a commonly used AV like.. Kaspersky, now find your crypted RAT with it. Now your thinking why a AV? Well this
is because sometimes your victims might have done a reinstall on XP and wanted a new AV, so post it on a few warez sites
and make a fake account with a nice looking post count and start too post how it works etc, also get a few friends
together and get them too get a high post count and get them too post how it works!
* You might want too do that on all your posts with you RAT binded
Now thats it for how to spread on a warez sites. Read below for how to spread on IM (Instant Messaging)
How-To V2
Ok, now when spreading by MSN,ICQ,YAHOO you need too have trust with who ever your spreading with or some very
good SE (Social Engineering). Now why SE? This helps when trying too trick your friend/victim into accepting
what you are saying and downloading your file from you. So here is a good little trick which has worked about 80%
of the time for me and I will share it. Also, you will need to know there personal interests which could include:
Gaming,Hacking,Programming. Your probbly starting too understand what I mean, so if you don't know find out, and
don't ask 'What are your interests?' say somin like ' What kinda stuff you into? i persoanlly like playing
world of warcraft' . So if they say somin like 'Yeh me too' you instantly found somthing they are interested in.
What You Need:
A Friend/Victim on MSN/ICQ/YAHOO etc.
There interests
A fake website which is hosting your RAT
Your Rat Cryped or Crypted & Binded with a tool they need
Ok first we need to make a fake website, this may be alot of effort for conning one person, so I reccommend
that you have a group of victims which are into the same thing, which in ourcase will be WoW (World Of Warcraft).
Find a template for what they like 'World of Warcraft'.. (Google Is Your Fried)
Now, make up some bullshit about what they like on the website. So for World of Warcraft say somthing like you have found
a talent point calculater or you found a tool which Farms Gold for you, make sure it sounds genuine and for more
proof have a couple of screenshots which you can find anywhere in google etc. Now upload your .exe too the actual
site and have it as a 10min Free Trial or somthing like that so it sounds so much more genuine.
Now for the part in which you tell them about it and how it works etc.
M = Me
V = Vicim
M> Hey i just found this sweet bot which farms gold for you
M> I just used it and it farmed some cool epics which i sold for loads
V> Nice. where did you get i from, it sounds soo cool !
V> Also cant you get banned from doing stuff like this, and is it a virus
M> No, I scanned already <Fake uploaded app link>
M> but if you get banned they have a unbanning tool on the site
M> Which removes the ban and allows you too play
M> Also i just farmed another sweet epic
V> What the site?
M> i am using the 10minute free trial! and it works like a charm
M> Planning on buying
V> Ok sweet, I downloaded it and i ran it and it opened some called Glider Bot
Ok, now thats now the best fake convo, but you probbly have goto grips of what I am trying to do here.
You can see that even though the guy said is it a virus, I give a fake link of a tool which i could call
trial which could be uploaded too virus total, and he even said that if you get banned there is a tool
to unban you. So you kidna understand how too get outa a hard situation
Now after all this has happened either block the Victim, and move on. But you want too make sure your other
victims don't know each other because that could cause a problem for you.
Now, that is not the end. I still have much more too add on, like how to spread via Torrents etc.
So for now live with those ideas and create your own.
quite easy or challenging for the average retard. What people
do no understand is that spreading is very easy depending on the way
that you do it. Below, is a FEW methods on how to spread.
Torrents: A very common way too spread files over the net
P2P: A few very good example is Limewire
IM: If you do this mixed with a bit of SE you have a good chance of infecting the victim
Warez: If you have a nice account which is trusted, start spreading your RAT
Personal Site: Upload a few files which are in your sites category binded with your rat
VIP: If you have VIP on a site, either make a fake tool and bind with your RAT, or leech
off another VIP site and share with your binded RAT
Hacking Sites: Lets say you want too get.. Runescape accounts. Find a autobot or somin
And bind your RAT and share on a Runescape hacking site. This way
You have more of a chance of getting runescape accounts.
How-To V1
In this first How-To, I will show you how too spread via Warez (Very Easy And Basic).
But before we do that you will need to do the following:
Have a Rat
A Cryptor < Buy or Make One >
A Binder < Buy or Make One
A File too Share < Find off a trusted warez site
Now, your wondering what a Binder & Cryptor is. Well here is a quick personal definition of both.
Cryptor: You could say it Encrypts your RAT so that an AV can not find it, or say it Scrambles the code
So it seems like a unknown file too the AV.
Binder: You use these too bind 2 or more files together so that when the main .exe file is opened
All the files which you binded open at once eg. You bind: file.exe > rat.exe and when you open
file.exe all the files open at once.
* I reccommend that you either crypt the RAT first and then Bind and crypt again, or Bind and then Crypt.
Ok now lets move on. Crypt your rat and bind with the Warez application. Now, find a board which deals with
illegal sharing of warez, here is a list I put together:
< Overused But People Are Retards >
< Apparently Good Too Spread >
< Build Trust, Get Good Post Count Then Spread >
< Alot of Bots Are On Here >
Ok, now that you found your warez forum you want too use signup and make a good post count, it is
not easy as a-b-c. I would reccommend that you get a post count of about 50+ and also get a nice
looking avater and signiture, it normally makes people want too trust you. Now that you have a good looking
post count you probbly want too post your binded warez in the appropriate section, but recently I have found
a good way of spreading which is by posting in the guest section, and hoping that it gets put onto a site
Because 100's and 1000's of people vist these kinds of sites hourly, you got a good chance of potentional
victims visiting and downloading your binder warez and getting infected, but you have too make sure
that your RAT is crypted or you just fucked your chances up of even getting one victim. But here is another little
trick which has worked in the past for me.
Find a commonly used AV like.. Kaspersky, now find your crypted RAT with it. Now your thinking why a AV? Well this
is because sometimes your victims might have done a reinstall on XP and wanted a new AV, so post it on a few warez sites
and make a fake account with a nice looking post count and start too post how it works etc, also get a few friends
together and get them too get a high post count and get them too post how it works!
* You might want too do that on all your posts with you RAT binded
Now thats it for how to spread on a warez sites. Read below for how to spread on IM (Instant Messaging)
How-To V2
Ok, now when spreading by MSN,ICQ,YAHOO you need too have trust with who ever your spreading with or some very
good SE (Social Engineering). Now why SE? This helps when trying too trick your friend/victim into accepting
what you are saying and downloading your file from you. So here is a good little trick which has worked about 80%
of the time for me and I will share it. Also, you will need to know there personal interests which could include:
Gaming,Hacking,Programming. Your probbly starting too understand what I mean, so if you don't know find out, and
don't ask 'What are your interests?' say somin like ' What kinda stuff you into? i persoanlly like playing
world of warcraft' . So if they say somin like 'Yeh me too' you instantly found somthing they are interested in.
What You Need:
A Friend/Victim on MSN/ICQ/YAHOO etc.
There interests
A fake website which is hosting your RAT
Your Rat Cryped or Crypted & Binded with a tool they need
Ok first we need to make a fake website, this may be alot of effort for conning one person, so I reccommend
that you have a group of victims which are into the same thing, which in ourcase will be WoW (World Of Warcraft).
Find a template for what they like 'World of Warcraft'.. (Google Is Your Fried)
Now, make up some bullshit about what they like on the website. So for World of Warcraft say somthing like you have found
a talent point calculater or you found a tool which Farms Gold for you, make sure it sounds genuine and for more
proof have a couple of screenshots which you can find anywhere in google etc. Now upload your .exe too the actual
site and have it as a 10min Free Trial or somthing like that so it sounds so much more genuine.
Now for the part in which you tell them about it and how it works etc.
M = Me
V = Vicim
M> Hey i just found this sweet bot which farms gold for you
M> I just used it and it farmed some cool epics which i sold for loads
V> Nice. where did you get i from, it sounds soo cool !
V> Also cant you get banned from doing stuff like this, and is it a virus
M> No, I scanned already <Fake uploaded app link>
M> but if you get banned they have a unbanning tool on the site
M> Which removes the ban and allows you too play
M> Also i just farmed another sweet epic
V> What the site?
M> i am using the 10minute free trial! and it works like a charm
M> Planning on buying
V> Ok sweet, I downloaded it and i ran it and it opened some called Glider Bot
Ok, now thats now the best fake convo, but you probbly have goto grips of what I am trying to do here.
You can see that even though the guy said is it a virus, I give a fake link of a tool which i could call
trial which could be uploaded too virus total, and he even said that if you get banned there is a tool
to unban you. So you kidna understand how too get outa a hard situation
Now after all this has happened either block the Victim, and move on. But you want too make sure your other
victims don't know each other because that could cause a problem for you.
Now, that is not the end. I still have much more too add on, like how to spread via Torrents etc.
So for now live with those ideas and create your own.