Hey there. I'm going to tell you really effectively, you can have a direct age range, and get many things such as Bank Info & Steam accounts.
Enjoy, and please post feedback.
Step 1) Register a new MSN, with a girls name. This is vital because you want to attract men who will download things for you. It doesn't matter what name, just register one that sounds believable.
Step 2) Take a picture from one of your girl friends on FaceBook or Myspace or even just go on Google and find a picture of a girl, set this as your display picture on the new msn you created.
Step 3) Go to , and go to "Teen Chat" here there are loads of sad lonely men who want to paedo girls for pictures, JACKPOT, usually these people have games and PayPal's on there accounts and will generally download shit.
Step 4) Post in the Chat. "16/F/US" or something like that, you will be BOMBARDED with PM's from men who want to talk. Just say to them your MSN you just created and you will get shit loads of adds on msn.
Step 5) On your MSN just say a copied and pasted message like the following.
"Hey, want to download these hot pics I just made? I'm sure you will like them "
Or something on that line, usually they download them. Make sure you hide your RAT or Keylogger as a .RAR file as in, it's an .EXE but with a WinRAR Icon and WinRAR info and such. Like HotPics1.rar.exe
I've had so many hits with this method, and I'm sure you will too.
It can be pretty funny at times too
Good luck