Auto functions
To make your pictures look better with very little effort you can use these auto functions shown below(they arent pointed out but u can seethem under 'adjustments'). It is certainly not necessary to use all three of them. It depends on the picture but imo auto tone is the one that works the best. This makes the overall colors of your picture look way better.
[Image: color-depth-Ps.jpg]
One other thing you can do to improve the quality of your pictures is to play with the blacks and whites of the picture.You can easily do this by clicking on the adjustments tab on the middle right of your screen when in photoshop. There you will see alot of icons. Click on the one that looks like a graph, it is called 'levels'. When you open it you will see a graph. DIRECTLY under the graph youll see 3 'houses', the left one is for the blacks, the right one is for the whites and the mid one is for the midtones. Now you can play with them and see what looks best.
[Image: 1548-78da2cc70a4ff0fe4b7e71bb1c4994f3.jpg]
To make your pictures look better with very little effort you can use these auto functions shown below(they arent pointed out but u can seethem under 'adjustments'). It is certainly not necessary to use all three of them. It depends on the picture but imo auto tone is the one that works the best. This makes the overall colors of your picture look way better.
[Image: color-depth-Ps.jpg]
One other thing you can do to improve the quality of your pictures is to play with the blacks and whites of the picture.You can easily do this by clicking on the adjustments tab on the middle right of your screen when in photoshop. There you will see alot of icons. Click on the one that looks like a graph, it is called 'levels'. When you open it you will see a graph. DIRECTLY under the graph youll see 3 'houses', the left one is for the blacks, the right one is for the whites and the mid one is for the midtones. Now you can play with them and see what looks best.
[Image: 1548-78da2cc70a4ff0fe4b7e71bb1c4994f3.jpg]