This Thread Are part of my personal writing Project With Goal to create Thread/Article as many as i want or like
Codename of this Project are ClearLog.
Update Thread Content :
Working with Sandboxie Method Add
Add One method of infection
]Link To Second Part Here
Content of Thread
A.Enviroment and Machine
Why Work Environment Matter
Hardware Issue
Virtual Machine
Setup Virtual Machine
Install Guest OS
RDP for Low End PC
Sandboxie Last Resort
B.Cleaning Toolkit
Danger of "Wild Logs"
Malware attack method
Solution and Counter measure
Hidden Content
Environment is very important, no matter what type work you do if location is no suitable you will find diffulty to work
I Strongly Recommend You To
Find Place where there good air ventilation and natural light (room with windows is good)
Toilet Must Nearby and easy to use
You can rest comfortably near you computer
Next Step is Setting up the hardware. Good Computer don't mean expensive as long have decent Ram,CPU and SSD is good enough.
8 Gb Ram with Cpu like amd ryzen 3 + 250 Gb SSD is already best thing you can have. So what about Laptop ?
Laptop is fine but workhouse of world economy still revolved around computer, and computer can be fix cheaply even modified for
travel. For more better understanding watch this CS Ghost Animation Video about Why Computer is Good.
What is virtual Machine ?
Simply to say is Computer(Guest) in Computer(Host) but when something wrong or bad happen to virtual computer (Guest)
It will not affect your Real Computer (host). You can Read this article about Virtual Machine and benefit of it.
Setup Virtual Machine With OS
In this guide we use virtual-box,the reason why we use virtualbox because it very easy to use for beginner,
Code are Open Source mean free and guaranteed free for "sneaky stuff" and there lot community and resource for learn.
I will not teach you here how to instal virtualbox, instead i will linked several resource which i believe it both more convenient for us.
Reminder Always Download Virtualbox instaler only through Office site !
Linux and Mac Installation Support
Installation of Guest OS (Win 10 or Win 7)
In our case we will use either Win 10 or Win 7 as our virtual machine (guest os) choose one of it that you think more fit for your current hardware conditions. In general win 10 require more ram and size while Win 7 even though already reach end of service it still useful for testing ground and not required much Ram and disk.
To accomplish this there two method
Using Pre build OS BOX that we can simply download from Microsoft, then extract to desire directory and import it using VirtualBox, VirtualBox then will ask us to check or modify as need specification from box for Ram,cpu etc and VirtualDisk locations. Then Run it. Another one that bit complex are instal from zero using ISO, You can get iso from various "reputable source" such as Reddit R/piracy community.
Link For Resource :
Alternative IF Virtual Machine not work or hardware Limitation.
No many people think or even though it that not everyone in this world can follow up hardware advancement or technological upgrade.Game company are one that most deaf and blind with customer that have low end pc. For our situation is unfortunately more or less same, Our Virtual Machine can;t run due hardware limitation, and so there only situation for counter this are buying Remote desktop.
Remote Desktop basicly are Computer in internet, to use it you need connect to designated IP
ort + login password using RDP Software such as Windows RDP or KVM. The Computer intend to run 24/7 for server related work or like we current do, testing or using software safely.
I personally can't Recommend which good RDP or not, because i never access RDP market in underground world. For now try buy legitimate RDP or try AWS Cloud . More better if you can find someone that sell it accept Cryptocurrency.
This are the most unfavorite method that i against use of it. But for many reason people can't afford RDP so i add this as extra. We use this as secondary treatment after scanning folder with antivirus.
Sandboxie are tool to create mini virtual box that isolate program or file in virtual environment, anything that happen will not affect Real Computer in some capacity*. When i say "some capacity" i mean anything that run can still interact with Host system but it not actually really happen like dream, you body area safe but mental can affected ( can still affect Host system). Example Stealer can stil steal web browser data and file and sent it to CC Server, but when proceed terminate it can't do anything and simply are you need to do are empty the sanboxie content. Thats way this are dangerous way to work with log. Thats why i strongly advocated for virtual machine or RDP.
Learn :
B. Cleaning ToolKit
In this part we will discuss several Tool to help Our Works while discuss some important security issue in order to avoid infections.
Danger of "Wild Logs"
"Wild Logs" o commonly know as "Free Log" are stealer Log that distribute free by generous Patreon. But as we learn nothing in this world is "free" this log often include Malware of just some promotion advert to Patreon Log Shop. Free Log in Wild can be same dangerous as when try download pirate software, because we don't know if Logs are clean or not from virus.
The Malware Attack that common through Log are delivery in 4 Different way
1. Exploit Shortcut (LNK exploit) being disguise as screenshot file,documents,text or event log file itself (Rar,zip) This exploit will download and drop another virus.
2. Winrar/Winzip Exploit RCE- file exe,com will run without interaction when unrar file or zip.
3 Bind File
4. Literally Exe,COM,SCR File aka malware being put on folder of logs
Illustration from by root
"Safe" Log
Log Contain Malware
Reading Material
Solution and Countermeasure
Use Reputable antivirus such as mawlarebyte or do windows defender runs as first measure to check Logs.
Use Log Cleaner :I still conflicted over this, there software that remove all non-document or exe file from Log Folder,
The problem was i never tested this before and VT scan show something strange.
Turn On Show File Extension setting so you can clearly see if file area really real or fake one.
Use 7zip as alternative of winrar and winzip
Lastly to set up desktop setting to sort up,group up or view by details
I hope this can help easy your work, for next part we will learn few open source tool to sort up our logs while learn some free and premium one.
Part 2 Coming Soon Sorting The Logs
Go away for for long time for healing
See your again
"We Breach for better future"
Codename of this Project are ClearLog.
Update Thread Content :
Working with Sandboxie Method Add
Add One method of infection
]Link To Second Part Here
Content of Thread
A.Enviroment and Machine
Why Work Environment Matter
Hardware Issue
Virtual Machine
Setup Virtual Machine
Install Guest OS
RDP for Low End PC
Sandboxie Last Resort
B.Cleaning Toolkit
Danger of "Wild Logs"
Malware attack method
Solution and Counter measure
Hidden Content
Environment is very important, no matter what type work you do if location is no suitable you will find diffulty to work
I Strongly Recommend You To
Find Place where there good air ventilation and natural light (room with windows is good)
Toilet Must Nearby and easy to use
You can rest comfortably near you computer
Next Step is Setting up the hardware. Good Computer don't mean expensive as long have decent Ram,CPU and SSD is good enough.
8 Gb Ram with Cpu like amd ryzen 3 + 250 Gb SSD is already best thing you can have. So what about Laptop ?
Laptop is fine but workhouse of world economy still revolved around computer, and computer can be fix cheaply even modified for
travel. For more better understanding watch this CS Ghost Animation Video about Why Computer is Good.
What is virtual Machine ?
Simply to say is Computer(Guest) in Computer(Host) but when something wrong or bad happen to virtual computer (Guest)
It will not affect your Real Computer (host). You can Read this article about Virtual Machine and benefit of it.
Setup Virtual Machine With OS
In this guide we use virtual-box,the reason why we use virtualbox because it very easy to use for beginner,
Code are Open Source mean free and guaranteed free for "sneaky stuff" and there lot community and resource for learn.
I will not teach you here how to instal virtualbox, instead i will linked several resource which i believe it both more convenient for us.
Reminder Always Download Virtualbox instaler only through Office site !
Linux and Mac Installation Support
Installation of Guest OS (Win 10 or Win 7)
In our case we will use either Win 10 or Win 7 as our virtual machine (guest os) choose one of it that you think more fit for your current hardware conditions. In general win 10 require more ram and size while Win 7 even though already reach end of service it still useful for testing ground and not required much Ram and disk.
To accomplish this there two method
Using Pre build OS BOX that we can simply download from Microsoft, then extract to desire directory and import it using VirtualBox, VirtualBox then will ask us to check or modify as need specification from box for Ram,cpu etc and VirtualDisk locations. Then Run it. Another one that bit complex are instal from zero using ISO, You can get iso from various "reputable source" such as Reddit R/piracy community.
Link For Resource :
Alternative IF Virtual Machine not work or hardware Limitation.
No many people think or even though it that not everyone in this world can follow up hardware advancement or technological upgrade.Game company are one that most deaf and blind with customer that have low end pc. For our situation is unfortunately more or less same, Our Virtual Machine can;t run due hardware limitation, and so there only situation for counter this are buying Remote desktop.
Remote Desktop basicly are Computer in internet, to use it you need connect to designated IP
I personally can't Recommend which good RDP or not, because i never access RDP market in underground world. For now try buy legitimate RDP or try AWS Cloud . More better if you can find someone that sell it accept Cryptocurrency.
This are the most unfavorite method that i against use of it. But for many reason people can't afford RDP so i add this as extra. We use this as secondary treatment after scanning folder with antivirus.
Sandboxie are tool to create mini virtual box that isolate program or file in virtual environment, anything that happen will not affect Real Computer in some capacity*. When i say "some capacity" i mean anything that run can still interact with Host system but it not actually really happen like dream, you body area safe but mental can affected ( can still affect Host system). Example Stealer can stil steal web browser data and file and sent it to CC Server, but when proceed terminate it can't do anything and simply are you need to do are empty the sanboxie content. Thats way this are dangerous way to work with log. Thats why i strongly advocated for virtual machine or RDP.
Learn :
B. Cleaning ToolKit
In this part we will discuss several Tool to help Our Works while discuss some important security issue in order to avoid infections.
Danger of "Wild Logs"
"Wild Logs" o commonly know as "Free Log" are stealer Log that distribute free by generous Patreon. But as we learn nothing in this world is "free" this log often include Malware of just some promotion advert to Patreon Log Shop. Free Log in Wild can be same dangerous as when try download pirate software, because we don't know if Logs are clean or not from virus.
The Malware Attack that common through Log are delivery in 4 Different way
1. Exploit Shortcut (LNK exploit) being disguise as screenshot file,documents,text or event log file itself (Rar,zip) This exploit will download and drop another virus.
2. Winrar/Winzip Exploit RCE- file exe,com will run without interaction when unrar file or zip.
3 Bind File
4. Literally Exe,COM,SCR File aka malware being put on folder of logs
Illustration from by root
"Safe" Log
Log Contain Malware
Reading Material
Solution and Countermeasure
Use Reputable antivirus such as mawlarebyte or do windows defender runs as first measure to check Logs.
Use Log Cleaner :I still conflicted over this, there software that remove all non-document or exe file from Log Folder,
The problem was i never tested this before and VT scan show something strange.
Turn On Show File Extension setting so you can clearly see if file area really real or fake one.
Use 7zip as alternative of winrar and winzip
Lastly to set up desktop setting to sort up,group up or view by details
I hope this can help easy your work, for next part we will learn few open source tool to sort up our logs while learn some free and premium one.
Part 2 Coming Soon Sorting The Logs
Go away for for long time for healing
See your again
"We Breach for better future"