Intro to Filing income tax returns [carhar]


11 yrs. 6 mth. 16 days
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Ok. Here is a short intro into to filing Federal Income Taxes. This should get someone who has never attempted to file on the right path with a little research. Also if there are any questions posted here I believe either myself or the community will attempt to answer them so this may end up becoming pretty detailed.

First off you need names!

By that you need basic info such as Name/dob/ssn. That's all that is needed at first. If you have extra info such as the most resent mailing address and other family members info that will be a plus but not a requirement.

Secondly you need to know what type of "fullz" (Name,ssn,dob) you have. You need to find out if this is someone who filed recently or someone who has not. There are two ways as of this writing to find out. You can go to and follow the 'request filing pin' link. If you go that route you would need the correct mailing address for the name you are using. If you enter in anything incorrectly you will not be able to proceed. If every thing is correct there will be 1 of three responses. First and most preferably you will get a message saying "we cannot provide you with any information. Try entering "0" when asked for prior year AGI. Secondly you may get a 5 digit number. And Thirdly you may get a message saying you entered in something incorrectly. That may be as simple as going back and picking a different filing status. Side-note: There are 5 Filing statuses to choose from. Single, Head of Household, Married filing Separate, Married filing together and widow.

Before I move on two the Second method I will explain the two types of fullz. A person whom has filed the past tax year or a person whom has not. I prefer the person who has not because it is harder to base the type and amount of income this person has generated since they last filed. Or maybe the person in question has never filed. Nevertheless this would be type of fullz I would prefer to use. The other is a person who has filed where you are given a filing pin. This is a little trickier because most of the time you have no way of knowing or at least duplicating the info used on their last return. This is not a complete dead end but I wouldn't try my hand at this for beginners. And every year the irs implicates more security measures into their system where this is getting almost impossible for "vets".

The Second way to determine which type of fullz you have is to call 866-704-7388. This is my preferred method because you do not necessarily need the address to proceed. Follow the prompts to enter ssn, dob and filing status. I always start with single then move on to head of household. After that it ask you for the street number of the filer. If you don't have the street number you would press option 2. If the person has not filed in the last year it doesn't matter if you have the address or not because they are asking for the number on last years return. So if the person hasn't you will hear the message saying "you do not need a filing pin."

Now that you have the filing pin or agi there is 1 more step I would take. Determining if the person has any debts that would offset said return This is extremely simple. Dial 800-304-3107. Follow prompts and enter ssn 2x. That's it. It will say if there is a debt or not that can affect your refund.

Now the Actual Filing.

You can determine which ever site or program you prefer to use. Some are free for people with a certain amount of income. Some offer a few more perks such as calculating withholding. See as this is a introduction I will not delve into the different programs. But 2 easy ones to start out with are taxhawk and freetaxusa. They are the same company just different name. Taxhawk has a picture of a Black family on it's home page and Freetaxusa has a White Family. These sites are good for noobs because sign-up takes 1 minute. You don't even have to have a valid e-mail to use these.

Once logged in enter all personal info. When it comes to an address there are some choices. If you plan on direct depositing the return by some anonymous fashion i.e. debit card or dummy bank account you can use the real address of person if you have or look up an address via a local real estate site. If you plan on getting the refund by check of course you would want to use a drop location. You could get away with maybe 3 to 4 checks at one drop but I wouldn't do them in sequence.

Now the info that gets you money!!!!

There are plenty of ways to use a tax return to get money but I will give a quick rundown of to ways plus a bonus. The first way will give you the most money but carries the most chance of return getting flagged. Obtain the Federal I.D. located on W-2's. The W-2 is the paper ones employer will give the that states what they made, what they had withdrawn, medicare and social security withholding's, ira, retirement, 401 info, so on and so forth. The F.I.D. must be entered in correctly. Some sites and programs have a database that can determine if the info matches the employer provided. Kind of how some site can determine what city and state you are in just from entering zip code. After that it's a matter of entering in the number. The boxes that you want to focus on are boxes 1-6. 1, 3, and 5 are gross income, 2, 4 and 6 are in order - federal income withholding, social security tax and medicare tax. As I stated earlier you will want to do a little research on the gross you would want to use. For example it does not necessarily mean the more the person makes the more of a return they will receive. Your numbers might dance around the difference in tax brackets that would carry more taxes owed thus would lessen the refund. All of this info is readily available on Google and YouTube. When it comes to box four and box 6 these are specific numbers. as of this writing box 4 is 4.2% of gross. box 6 is 1.45% of gross. If either of these values change for the upcoming tax season you would need to research that. The info would be made available if there was a change no later than Jan. 31. For boxes 1,3 and 5 when you choose your income enter the same number in all three boxes. Don't bother with the state return. There are tricks to filing state but for the most part the state catches the fraudulent info first and forwards their findings over to federal.

A second way of entering info is self employed. You will need to direct yourself to a page called Schedule - C. Pick random jobs such as barber, hairdresser, lawn maintenance etc. . . Now you would need to play the same numbers game. Finding out which numbers yield you the most of a refund. This option is ideal if you have dependents to file. with this option you aren't paying out any tax withholding's so it would affect your refund. But if you have small dependents the credits and deductions they provide offset this.

Now for the bonus. If you are able to obtain w-2 from a source whether it's by a vendor on here or by a local worker at a tax office who wouldn't mind help with their grocery bill, see if they have access to schools 1098. A 1098 is like a w-2 but you guessed it for colleges and universities. With this you enter in tax id and a few key values and you can boost your return by thousands. Of course you would want a school that is accessible from an area that the tax returns residence states. Or you can get a school that has a heavy online curriculum.

Keeping the returns small would be ideal. Examples for single with no dependents: self employed-$800 to $1,500, w-2 - 2000 to 2,700, add 1000 to 2000 for school credit. 1 dependent: self employed $3000 to 3500, w-2 4000 to 5500 around the same plus a little more for school credit. 2 dependents: self employed - 5000 to 5500, w-2 5000 to 7000 and same values as stated before with school credit.

Now receiving the money.

When I would file I would always use different locations such as libraries, schools, hotels, kinko's etc to mask my identity. I have been using tor for a little over a year and I would sometimes use that. Now that I am learning about socks5 and rdp's I would consider that as it gives more anonymity. In previous years ip location was not a factor. But the name on the account was not a factor either. But starting in 2013 the irs would check to see if the name on the account would match the filers name. There are some exceptions such as business accounts and so for. I am stating that to say this, every year there are new changes and upgrades to the irs system. so maybe next year ip's will be a factor. So it might be wise to learn how to spoof yourself to a specific location.

Some people like to set-up prepaid debit cards ahead of filing and use those as the drop for the money. If you get your technique down this could be the way to go. Some stores sell the cards in store then you go on-line to step up account to receive a permanent card and a routing number. The trouble with this lies receiving permanent card. If you file while you still have temp card everything can be fine and dandy but with the temp card you don't have access to atm functions. You would need a way to pull the money off or just go shopping. If you have access to the drop location of the permanent card you are in business. But don't put a return on a card that doesn't match names. Even if the irs let it slip through the card company will hold it and send it back to irs. Plus every time you buy these cards in store you have to put a little money upfront. If you aren't having luck with your returns dropping this can get expensive. Those same prepaid debits are offered online. you can go online and set up the card without purchasing in store. This way when it's mailed you will have the permanent card up front and can just hit atm. There are risk. 1 they have the filers name printed on them so no store carding but if you have access to msr then the sky's the limit. But with these atm's are your best friend. Secondly if you can't answer the security questions about the persons background correctly then they will not mail the card period. I see there are vendors here that sell anon cards. I have never heard of them before discovering tcf. It might be wise for someone to look into those or if someone has used 1 for refund purposes please let us know here. My preferred method involves receiving the checks and cashing them. This is a lot easier than it sounds. Go to your nearest urban area and go digging. Plenty off check cashing stores or local liquor stores will be able to oblige your request, for a fee of course. Black market or not I don't believe anyone will have a problem finding someone to cash a legitimate income tax check. The "service fee" will vary but it is doable.

There you have it. It goes without saying that people get caught all the time filing false returns. For the most part it's a combination or arrogance and stupidity. Never deposit onto your own account, never mail to you or a loved ones house and NEVER FILE FROM A COMPUTER THAT IS NOT PROTECTED OR ANONYMOUS!!!

I believe this should be able to get most people whom aren't idiots started. If you are able to find your way around TOR it is highly unlikely that you are one of those idiots. This tut is solely for members of TCF. Please do not re post on other forums. I did not copy or paste 1 bit of this info from anywhere. Between dealing with life and family this took a few hours to complete.

Thank you and post questions here so we can grow the tutorial.

And to address 2 questions @d33poutside asked. Account now and Nexis prepaid card are the easiest to deal with so far. Preferably Account now. Once they approve the permanent card I have not had nor have I heard of any issues. One time I traveled out of the state with 1 of the cards and it was put on hold but I was able to clear up everything via email. Others like greendot and rush card will ask for some type of identity verification if the return is over a certain amount (I believe $2,000).

And as far as the checks go, I was able to find about four different sources in my area to cash the checks without any type of I.D. If you get the right feel of the place you can pose the question without any problems. When I stated "fees" I meant the share of the check they would require for cashing without I.D. And if it's someone you feel a little more comfortable with, maybe the discussion of fake I.D. could be presented. If the arraignment could be to allow I.D. to be used then their fees might be lower as it might take some of the risk off them.
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