- Joined
- 11 yrs. 8 mth. 23 days
- Messages
- 5,010
- Reaction score
- 11,818
- Wallet
- 13,191$
- [email protected]

What is iPentagram?
iPentagram is a project I have been working on for the past few weeks.
It inclu**s a large variety of functions which are mandatory for all computer lovers and enthusiasts.
// Shell Booter - Powerful and advanced shellbooter which gives the users the ability to add new shells.
// Dork Scanner - Scan websites for dorks with blazing speeds.
// Vulnerability **tector - SQLi vulnerability **tector with multiple settings.
// IP Tracer - Trace, log and export IP addresses.
// File Pumper - Increase the size of your executables without corrupting it.
// Text Encryption/**cryption -
Gives the user the ability to encrypt or **crypt submitted text.
// Multi-threa**d - iPentagram is fully multi-threa**d. Meaning, you can run multiple tools at once without causing the application to freeze or crash.
// User Friendly - iPentagram was **signed to be used not only be professionals but also by beginners and is therefore extremely user friendly. With messages and tooltips that even a child could un**rstand, iPentagram is as easy as it gets.
// Automatic Updates - iPentagram will automatically notify the user when a new update is available and will allow the user to get his/her hands on the new update with just the click of a button.
