Creating Worldlist/Passwordlist from URL with CeWL
This will generate a wordlist/Passwordlist from our target URL (EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, USE YOUR OWN URL) CeWL sticks to the site you have specified and will go to a depth of 2 links, this can be changed by giving other arguments.
Be careful when setting a large depth you allow CeWL to go on other sites than you specified, This could make it bounce to many domains you do not have permission to use.
–d option to set the depth.
–m option If you only want to target X or bigger words from URL
In this example I will use words with a minimum of 7 Chars and 1 Depth.
cewl www. PUTDOMAINHERE .com -m 7 -d 1 -w mylist.txt
These wordlists can easily be used in software like "John The Ripper", "Hydra", "Aircrack-ng" and many more.
EquivalentExchangeBlack Hat
This will generate a wordlist/Passwordlist from our target URL (EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, USE YOUR OWN URL) CeWL sticks to the site you have specified and will go to a depth of 2 links, this can be changed by giving other arguments.
Be careful when setting a large depth you allow CeWL to go on other sites than you specified, This could make it bounce to many domains you do not have permission to use.
–d option to set the depth.
–m option If you only want to target X or bigger words from URL
In this example I will use words with a minimum of 7 Chars and 1 Depth.
cewl www. PUTDOMAINHERE .com -m 7 -d 1 -w mylist.txt
These wordlists can easily be used in software like "John The Ripper", "Hydra", "Aircrack-ng" and many more.
EquivalentExchangeBlack Hat