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If you're interested in the community scene, check out the Scene this week. But for Betty Deutsch it is very different: Her finger roams a photo of women, their heads shaved, dressed in a motley, downright bizarre array of clothing ranging from flouncy party dresses, to shorts and jackets, whatever had been collected from the victims that preceded them: "That's me, there, and my sister there to the right. Are more powerful than men. If you have a defined waist and larger hips and thighs, you have an athletic body type.
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Make a decorative cushion. And Manzano shares a story about the need to look good during surgery, wanting to get a tattoo on a newly reconstructed breast after the surgery and looking forward to wearing a lace bra..
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Would having better teachers and more resources for students have made a difference in his life? I certainly hope so but ignoring his hunger, lack of shoes and the abuse at home and only concentrating on school would probably not have been enough.. Evening Independent (Newspaper) April 6, 1974, Massillon, Ohio Cool rainy Fair cool tonight tow near 32 Chance of afternoon showers Sunday high in the 50s YEAR NO 234 THE EVENING INDEPENDENT Established 1863 40 heads of state at rites for Pompidou Massillon Ohio 44646 Saturday April 6 1974 Home Delivery 65 Cents a Week Todays Chuckle It isnt necessary for a man to have his face lifted If hes patient it will grow up through his hair IOC A COPY By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH PARIS AP Princes and presidents gathered under a broad French flag inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame today to pay solemn tribute to Georges Pompidou at a Requiem Mass At leat 40 countries were represented by their heads of state President Nixon one of the last to enter the church stood a short distance from Soviet President Nikolai V Podgorny A 96FOOTLONG tricolor Borne here on winds of tornado TWO DAUGHTERS of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bolender of 1241 Borden ave Jill 3 and Julie 5 examine a photo their mother found in the backyard at their residence Thursday about 7 The photo shows a young girl leaning over a table to put her finger in the frosting of what appears to be a birthday cake and on the back of the photo is written Wendy birthday The handwriting slants to the left a trait usually attributed to Mrs Bolender wonders if the photo may have been picked up in areas raked by Thursday and in her It has been reported that canceled checks from the Xenia area rained from the sky Thursday in the Akron area Mrs Bolender gave the photo to The Evening Independent Independent Staff suspended from the vaults of the 13th century church marked off the pews reserved for the officials Ceremonial guards in dazzling brass helmets and white breeches stood attention along the walls as Francois Cardinal Marty Archbishop of Paris celebrated the mass Alain who as Senate president became interim president upon death headed the official mourners widow Claude did not attend the service More than 80 kings queens princes presidents or heads of government attended the service Other countries sent special representatives or ambassadors By contrast only family and cabinet attended funeral services Thursday at a small church near his apartment on Paris St He St Louis where the 62yearold president died Tuesday of cancer IN THE CROWD of mourners was Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka dressed in top See Page 10 Hoover Co moving into new plant THE HOOVER CO of North Canton has begun moving equipment into this new million manufacturing facility in the North Canton Industrial Park and production of some floor care items may begin there late this month The windup of landscaping and interior work is proceeding on schedule company officials said The 440by 600foot plant has square feet of floor space Prime contractor is the Co of Canton Lawrence Dykes Goodenberger and Bower of Canton was the architect Independent Staff Photo One guardsman dead one missing in Xenia XENIA AP At least one Ohio National Guardsman was dead and another was feared dead in the wake of a predawn blaze that swept through a store in Xenias tornado scarred downtown area Two other guardsmen received minor burns in the fire that broke out about 6 in a storm damaged furniture store officials said They were treated at a local hospital and released FIREMEN WERE hindered by smoke and heat in their attempts to search the debris for the body of a second trooper believed to have died in the blaze said Guard spokesman Steve Stone Were pretty certain hes in Stone said Names of the dead or missing men were not immediately released The Guard earlier reported the deaths of two troopers but the second death still was unconfirmed Stone said Stone said the men had been on duty in the area and apparently had taken shelter from freezing rains inside Cherrys Furniture Store The store had been converted to a relief center he said HE SAID the troopers must have noticed a fire inside the store gone to investigate and then were trapped by flames The whole place went up in a matter of Stone said No cause was given for the fire Witnesses said the fire shot flames six to eight stories high and speculated it might have been gas fed A spokesman for Dayton Local student I just missed in tornado By GREG GOLDSMITH I just missed Thats how Mary McLaurin of 115 2nd st SW a student at Central State University described her escape from a building at the university Wednesday night just before tornadoes raked the campus and heavily damaged the building she was in I was working at the technical education library that evening when the lights went she said I was working I hadnt heard about the tornado warning but when the lights went out I decided to leave WHEN I WENT outside I saw all the debris flying straight at me The tornado hit the building just after I left and the two people who were still inside were badly Miss McLaurin and Michael Robinson of 641 Fries st SE also a student at Central State described Friday their ordeal in Wednesdays tornadoes which left more than 30 persons dead in Xenia five miles away from the Central State campus at I was in my apartment watching Robinson said when I saw the warning I went outside looked up and saw this big black cloud shaped like a Robinson then described the next few minutes as the tornado passed overhead the powerful vacuum knocking UAL union reach accord WASHINGTON AP Negotiators for United Air Lines and the Machinists Union reached tentative agreement today on a new contract for mechanics and ground personnel less than an hour before a threatened walkout Details of the proposed contract were not disclosed pending a ratification vote by union members expected within a few days a spokesman for the National Mediation Service said Agreement was reached during the second straight all night bargaining session at the Mediation Service offices and came at mediator George Ives said windows from the apartment and slamming doors As I went down the hall the bag on a carpet sweeper burst when the vacuum hit us Actually the tornado sort of bounced over the apartments and headed for the campus My place wasnt as badly chewed up as the Robinson said AFTER THE tornado passed Robinson helped other students Chapin found guilty of lying to probers WASHINGTON AP Former White House aide Dwight L Chapin convicted of lying to a federal grand jury investigating political espionage vows to continue to fight for my A federal district court jury of seven men and five women on Friday found the 33yearold former appointments secretary to President Nixon guilty of two counts of perjury and innocent on a third THE MAXIMUM penalty on each of the two counts is five years in prison and a fine of District Judge Gerhard A Gesell set sentencing for May 15 and invited Chapin to submit all the information about yourself before then He remains free without bond Obviously I am very Chapin told newsmen while his wife Susan stood by his side I am going to continue to fight for my innocence On the day I was indicted I went out on my front lawn and said I was innocent I intend to fight this See CHAPIN Page 10 and rescuers in the search for survivors Both Robinson and Miss McLaurin were active in the rescue efforts and described the attitude of the students It was she said Everybody helped everybody else arid that saved lives Everybody got together to figure out who was missing I went to the hospital to find a friend who had gone in sick She had been asleep but was awakened by the sound of falling trees near the hospital When we saw the damage to the campus we were both pretty hysterical and she nearly Miss McLaurin and her friend spent the night on the floor of a dormitory basement Candles provided their only light because the wind had downed all the power lines With all communications cut See CENTRAL 10 Power and Light however said the section had been with out gas since late Wednesday when a tornado leveled half the city and left more than 30 persons dead About 600 guardsmen have been helping cleanup crews and guarding against looters THE MEN were members of the 178th Tactical Fighter Squadron from Springfield Ohio Stone said The injured guardsmen were identified as Lt Forzono of Fairborn and Staff Sgt William Wolfe whose hometown was not immediately known Woman found slain in Stark Stark County sheriffs deputies today were investigating the apparent slaying of an unidentified woman whose body was found in the basement of a Lake Township residence Preliminary investigation by Dr G S Shaheen Stark County coroner indicates that the woman died of a gunshot wound of the head No gun was found at the scene deputies said THE HOUSE is at 13066 Kreighbaum rd NW near Uniontown The owner of the house a truck driver was located today in Albany and is not believed to have been involved in the shooting A suspect was being sought in the Summit County area Sheriff George Papadopulos said deputies believe the womans first name was Stella and that she was from Summit County He asked anyone having information about the shooting or about the womans identity to contact the sheriffs office The woman is white and in her early 30s Stark deputies were notified of the shooting by police in a neighboring community at this morning The woman was taken to Aultman Hospital in Canton where she was pronounced dead on arrival Palm Sunday services Palm Sunday commemorating Christs entry into Jerusalem will be celebrated in Massillon and area churches with special services Sunday The hours and details of these services will be found on Pages 6 7 and 9 Where to find Churches 21 3 Dear Jeane Dixon 15 4 14 The Home 5 Movies 16 Society 8 1112 16 Weather Report 2 Income Tax Lewis Misheff 8320406 TALLEYS Agatha Brooke tonight and Sunday TONIGHT Barbershop Quartets Longfellow Jr High 8 Tickets at the door TEEN SPRING FLING Ages 12 to 18 Tour of Ohio April 11 Paradise Travel 8373545 Paper Drive benefit Massillon gymnastics YMCA parking lot April 6 7 8 Pickup service 8336014 DOCS On all lawn garden equipment Register for big giveaways at the Home Show or store No obligation 12704 Lincoln W WE STACK UP WELL in quality of material work and reasonable prices when compared to others Floor Co 9081ststNE 8373767 8373365 1968 CHEVROLET IMP ALA All power 275 engine or best offer Dial 8330074 MARS CHICKEN CARRYOUT 302 3rd NW 8321525 THE STATE BANK CO Bank Loans for every personal need at bank rates Call us for low motorcycle rates JENKINS INSURANCE Dial 8327449 DENNIS BICKFORD And the Country Sensations at Irenes on old 21 Music Fri Sat 10 2 OPEN MON BEST DAILY DINNER SPECIALS BETTER BREAKFAST SPECIALS CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY FRANKS REST PERRY HEIGHTS TO SETTLE ESTATE Household items many antiques new furniture kitchen items good 1416 Sunday 26 Tuesday 26 1439 Walnut rd SE T R RIVERA PAINTING Interior and Exterior 8324943 SCHULERS SEAMLESS SPOUTING INC VINYL AND ALUMINUM SIDING 8330306 Two choice lots Rose Hill Cemetery Located at tower Dial 8320523 TONIGHT Barbershop Quartets Longfellow Jr High 8 Tickets at the door PROM DRESSES Made from your own pattern Also wedding dresses or other sewing Dial 8338892 22 oz choice Porterhouse T Bone Fri Sat now serving cocktails Amstutz Family Restaurant Navarre BORDNERS Amherst open tonight til Mayflower til Both open Sunday 102 Free ugh hot coffee Area and all specials in last Wednesdays ad are good til next Tuesday I jve Bunnies Dial 8325197 DONS PLOWING Up to 50xlOO lot plowed and disced Ph 8335752 after 4 Garage Sale Moving out of state 3024 Bailey NW Perry Heights area CAMEO GRILL 809 S Eric Lent Special Trout and Perch dinners 10 12 8371919 SPRING DANCE St Therese Hall Brewster Sat April fi 9 to 12 Ange Chatterelli Orch per couple WILDCAT TRAVEL TRAILER excellent condition Contains stove refrigerator sink sleeps 6 Sell or trade 638 Guy NW off Cherry SEASON SALE BEGINS Order football tickets now Sale closes April 29 1974 for previous ticket holders Office closed Friday April 12 Washington High School Ticket Office Open 8 to Dial 8337775 Straw 75c per bale 8325839 GAUZE INCOME TAX 1022 Amherst rd NE Hrs 99 For appointment call 8320589 HIDEAWAY LOUNGE Dancing 9 til Live Music John Caldwell In lieu of flowers the family of Mary Neal suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society HAM DINNER Family style Sun April 2 at Jr High Cafeteria by the Dalton DON CLICK EXCAVATING Now operating full time for fast service Backhoe and bull dozer Fully insured Brewster 7673273 EASTER SPECIAL 10 sets exclusive line quality cookware Designed for low cost Full flavor waterless cooking 18x18 heavy weight stainless steel 19 pieces interchangeable Reg on sale now Financing available 8331802 1974 Husky 400 for field or street like new Dial 8322596 or 8324575 Girl Scout paper drive Amherst Civic Center April 5 6 and 7 Will do custom plowing and disking Dial 8372646 after 4 Reasonable TONIGHT Barbershop Quartets Longfellow Jr High 8 Tickets at the door has joined the sales staff of Lincoln Way Motors and invites all his friends in to see him Estate Sale Household goods Stove refrigerator washer dryer davenport lamps etc Sat only 88 2623 Connecticut SE JIMMYS EASTER CANDY 16 Penn ave SE Pecan topped marshmallow eggs Pure chocolate figures up Homemade cream eggs up Chocolate baskets filled with our own fine chocolates Open Sun noon 5 11 to Waivered or accredited school an hour Canton 4538456 INCOME TAX SERVICE JOE 7674115 EVES 7673062 HANNA ASPHALT Spring Special on asphalt and sealer Dial 8373382 HARD OR RUSTY WATER per month rental purchase plan Aqua Soft of Massillon Dial 6321122 DRIVE IN 1917 Lincoln Way W Cones Sandwiches Sundaes ROCK BAND SIMIONS MAMAIA CLUB 37 EXCHANGE ST FRI AND 102 Unusual BATH ACCESSORIES Complete Line Of HOTPOINT APPLIANCES Complete Line of Plumbing Supplies and Repair Kits PETE SNYDERS BATH AND KITCHEN BOUTIQUE 931 First stNE Open til 9 Ten Star Community Theatre paper drive Grant City April 815 Dial 8371500 of 8336500 EUCHRE CASH PARTY Sat April 6 Free beer For information 8324207 Js Light Hauling and Moving Reasonable Free estimate Dial 8331607 XX CENTURY FURNACES Kurtz and Vernon Dial 832 6696 No answer Dial 8323241 Ten Star Theatre tryouts DARK OF THE MOON Sun Apr 7 24 14 men and 14 women 302 2nd st SW JOHN GEORGE Convenient Store And Cor I Way and 32nd NW Open Daily 9 to 10 Specials Good Thru April 10 Milk EZ Cook Bacon Ib 89c or Coke 16oz 8for89c Olive or Pickle Loaf Ib 89c Imported Feta Cheese Black Olives and FUlo Block Cube or Crushed Tee Cold Beer and Wine
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However, they are comfortable to wear. I asked if this was a nightclub and why were there cars parked all over the city maintained right of way.
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Devotees of SALONTEA include Oprah Winfrey, Kim Cattrall, Blaine Trump, CandaceBushnell and many more.. Ou owe that girl and everyone you spanked a huge apology, and if I were an attorney, I'd be offering to represent all 18 of them in a lawsuit against you for assault and battery! In fact, if I lived in your community, I believe I would be launching an investigation into just how many students you have spanked over the years, whether or not you enjoyed it a little too much, and have your home computer checked for kiddy porn! You got your 15 minutes of fame by making yourself, your school and your entire community look like hillbilly morons.
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While shopping can be fun, putting together a whole outfit at the mall is time consuming, because you have to find all of the pieces in just the right size, which may not be possible at just one store. It all up to me..
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The gentleman explained to Carlos Clarke that his predilection for latex harked back to the days when he had been a frogman in the Royal Navy, during which time he had become very attached to his diving suit.. Every fibre of an adult female's being (not to mention thighs) will scream "No!" at the very thought, but if you're 15to 20ish, "absolutely!".
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16 in ESPN's Jaws' QB Countdown ListTim Skubick: Gov. Art can be a purely aesthetic statement, which is as much a statement about values as any statement you will find in the realms of politics and ethics.
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The excuse is that our breed of publicfacing professionals just isn't as sophisticated and groomed as Americans, but what if you flip it and ask what help do senior women get from any level of our industry? In the US, Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Vera Wang, Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera all hone a solid percentage of their collections to mainstream professional needs.
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