Learn Cracking in 2022 | Part: #1.2 ~ Variables of a Dork


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Basically a Dork is made of multiple parts and all those parts have their specific names and

we are going to understand that.

Keywords – (KW)

Keywords are the keys used to search anything on engines. Everytime you go searching

anything on google you write some word keys to find thing you want those exact word keys

are called keywords.

In this case we are going to use keywords a normal people use to search websites related to

our targeted database.

Page Extension or Domain Extension – (DE)

So extension of a domain or page comes in this category, let’s see some of examples:




In upper examples highlighted words are domain’s extension or we say page extension.

Page Formats or Page Types - (PF)/(PT)

Page extension is told as Page Formats or Page Types

For Example:

php, asp, aspx………. Etc

Page Parameters – (PP)

Page Parameter is something which tells a page to work with those parameters. It used to

identify a specific page within website. It comes before “=” in a URL.

Search Function – (SF)

Search function is for Google mostly, it tells engine to look for that variable within specific


For Example: inurl, intext, inanchor, site, ext…………… Etc

Now let’s understand these with a proper dork example

"Minecraft" / ".com" ext:php ?player_id=

In upper example

Keyword: Minecraft

Domain Extension: com

Page Format: php

Page Parameter: player_id

Search Function: ext

Q- Why Page Formats and Parameters are so important?

Condition for a URL to be vulnerable is, it must have parameter. From studies of long time it

is observed that almost all the URLs which were vulnerable had a Page Parameter followed

by Page Format.

Let’s see a type of possible Vulnerable url


In upper example you can Origin is a parameter which tells website to work within a specific area (publication_detail) and is followed by a Page Format php.

Q- why we will be using php, asp and aspx only?

This is because these are most commonly used languages to connect to the database

through a page. Back in 2014 there used to be some other famous languages (cfm, cgi…..)

but now this are almost 0 in existence so we use php, asp and aspx only according to current


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