Learn Cracking in 2022 | Part: #1.3 ~ Syntax, Operator & Functions


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Syntax is most important thing to understand about any dork. It’s universally valid for any

dork and without correct syntax no dork can give proper result.

Fell what I say now,

Like you met a guy/girl any day, assuming you knows only English language but he/she has

no good knowledge of English or he/she speaks some other language for example Japanese.

No in this case when you ask him/her about something in English, he/she will either don’t

understand or he/she will get you wrong.

In dork case it’s same.

Google reads phrases and independent terms depending on its smart read features. Which

we can’t disable. So it’s necessary that we don’t make syntax error there.

Let’s go through an example:

Assuming that you want to search for url of a cookie store with domain extension as .com, if

you write:

Cookie Store.com

To google, In this search Cookie is a keyword and Store.com is the website you are looking.

So google will go through it’s database and get you some results which have Store.com as

urls and Cookie is somewhat related to it.

Now in this case, you aren’t getting anything out of it as you wanted cookie store with .com

extension not some store.com with cookie somewhat related to it. This is called a Syntax


But this error can be easily fixed by just putting a space between Store and .com, which will

make the search query like below.

Cookie Store .com

This way google will search for links related to all those 3 things not just some store.com

related to cookie.

Quotation of Syntax:

From this point we are going into Operators which clarify our request to engines like Google

and Bing, not all operators works on every engines mostly all operators works with google

only but Bing too understands many operators.

Mostly Search Engines allow us to use “<>” (Quotation mark). This indicates engine that

This particular word/phrase must be there in result website.

This is considered as a Search Operator but it’s not usually disclosed on services like

Google and Bing as it serves as common knowledge to the informed. Use it into your

advantage. It can be used to String words together to create phrases.

Remember every Engine have their own criteria om Syntax. It’s best if you test out all

possible syntax uses on that engine before making dorks.

Search Operators & Search Functions:

When making dorks, you can face issues with syntax Best way to avoid unwanted phrases

linking or unlinking is to use Search Operators & Search Functions.

Below is the list and details of all the Search Operators:

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The Rules Mentioned is Right Column at last is must to be followed.

Below is the List and Details of some of the Search Functions:


This is an undocumented alias for filetype:.


If you include filetype:suffix in your query, Google will restrict the results to pages

whose names end in suffix. For example, [ web page evaluation checklist filetype:pdf ]

will return Adobe Acrobat pdf files that match the terms “web,” “page,” “evaluation,” and

“checklist.” You can restrict the results to pages whose names end with pdf and doc by

using the OR operator, e.g. [ email security filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc ].


The query intext:term restricts results to documents containing term in the text. For

instance, [ Hamish Reid intext:pandemonia ] will return documents that mention the word

“pandemonia” in the text, and mention the names “Hamish” and “Reid” anywhere in the

document (text or not).

Note: There must be no space between the intext: and the following


Putting intext: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to

putting allintext: at the front of your query, e.g., [ intext:handsome intext:poets ] is

the same as [ allintext: handsome poets ].


If you include inurl: in your query, Google will restrict the results to documents

containing that word in the URL. For instance, [ inurl:print site:
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] searches

for pages on Google Guide in which the URL contains the word “print.” It finds pdf files that

are in the directory or folder named “print” on the Google Guide website. The query

[ inurl:healthy eating ] will return documents that mention the words “healthy” in their

URL, and mention the word “eating” anywhere in the document.

Note: There must be no space between the inurl: and the following


Putting inurl: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allinurl: at

the front of your query, e.g., [ inurl:healthy inurl:eating ] is the same as [ allinurl: healthy

eating ].

In URLs, words are often run together. They need not be run together when you’re using

[Image: standard.gif]
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