Learn Cracking in 2022 | Part: #1.6 ~ Numeric Dorks


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Basically numeric dork came into existence for finding different private urls each time using

same parameters.

In part 1.4 while learning GRS you can see a wildcard + we are going to use this and one

other thing which is ‘ (apostrophe).

You can read about plus wildcard in part 1.4, let’s discuss a bit about apostrophe


So In general cases Google treat both things with or without apostrophe as same. But

when we use it with keywords or numbers, google results changes a bit.

Reason behind it is, websites without apostrophe ranks higher while website with apostrophe ranks lowers,

so google doesn’t give results with apostrophe in normal circumstances. And in our case we want private shit so it helps a lot.

Now how numeric dorks are made.

So most basic formatting for it is:

(KW) ext:(PF) ?(PP)=(NN)+

(KW) ext:(PF) ?(PP)=(NN)’

These two are base formats for this.

Now thing is what difference it will make, so let’s see some examples.

~gaming ext:php inurl:?id=

This one is a basic public result giving gaming dork with a lot of urls.

it’s clear that this dork have a lot of results and only few of them will be good for our work but the thing is we can’t parse them all. So we are going to use

concept of numeric dork and make results good for our use.

Remember, both + and ‘ will have almost same results.

~gaming ext:php inurl:id=2+

~gaming ext:php inurl:?id=2’

You can see both results are same. So you can use any of these for your work.

Now we may get thought that will it change result when number get’s changed, answer is

yes it surely will. Let’s use 3 instead of 2 as (NN)

~gaming ext:php inurl:?id=3+

~gaming ext:php inurl:?id=3’

Here you can see that both 2+ and 3+ having different results & 2’ and 3’ having different

results too while 3’ and 3+ have almost same results.
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