+ limit coinbase accounts and want to get into carding - looking for a guru to teach


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5 yrs. 7 mth. 23 days
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So i have a few friend with high limit coinbase accounts and we are wanting to card BTC make a few pennies
I'm from UK. First account is 6,000 GBP and im willing to go 50/50 on whoever can teach me well -  can pay for all security and CC's just need advice on where to buy etc.

PM me or leave your username/place to contact you. Looking to get good contacts in this area because i have friends with drops, unused accounts with high limits on stuff etc.

Firm believer that knowledge is power and i will pay handsomely for that information. - Looking for a teacher, the higher your rep the more ill pay.

PM me or leave your username/place to contact you.

Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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