I found this method useful when searching for movies, software, songs, games, ebooks.
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Hidden Content
"Lumen is an independent research project studying takedown notices along with other legal removal requests and demands concerning online content." This website publishes take down notices with links to the sources.
In order to find wanted movie or other navigate to:
search for desired movie/song/software/game/book
view take down notices and click the reported links that will lead to desired movie/song/software/game/book
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Hidden Content
"Lumen is an independent research project studying takedown notices along with other legal removal requests and demands concerning online content." This website publishes take down notices with links to the sources.
In order to find wanted movie or other navigate to:
search for desired movie/song/software/game/book
view take down notices and click the reported links that will lead to desired movie/song/software/game/book