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Verified Carders Forum Western Union Paypal Bank Skrill Transfer Service by (Trusted Verified Seller) Jerry

Verifed Seller Jerry
Contact Me For Deal On ICQ: 7151710
Email: [email protected]

Hello members,

I'm a old and experienced carder,i have much data of western union,hacked Paypal accounts,bank logins and fullz infos . I'm doing this business since last 7 years and also very old seller on darkstuff .I have many customers and buyers all over the world and they trust me and i promised to never break this chain till death. I'm offering here many offers to earn online money through black sources like western union transfers,bank transfers, moneybookers and Paypal transfers.

Rate List with Explanation :-

Western Union Transfer :-

Transferring Western Union all over the world and it takes 1hour to 12hours maximum for generating MTCN .You Will Get MTCN Code With Sender Info + Amount And Then You Can Pick Up Funds From Any Westernunion Store.
(transferring all over the world)

Info needed for WU transfers :-

1: Full name
2: Cell number (Not Necessary)
3: City
4: Country
5: Valid email for sending you MTCN info etc

MTCN Will be ready for pick up in maximum 2 hour after payment
Please Dont ask me for any test transfer

Western Union Transfer Rates :
For $1400 Transfer = Fee $250
For $2500 Transfer = Fee $350
For $3500 Transfer = Fee $400
For $5000 Transfer = Fee $500
For $7000 Transfer = Fee $650
Fee accept only Bitcoin or Perfect Money
MTCN available after 1 hour of payment confirmation

Bank Transfers :-
This is my responsibility to transfer the required amount into your account and when it will be show fully transferred than my work will be over and then this is your responsibility to handle the bankers and get safe your side.i will use my personal method for make clear payment so no dispute no charge back chances.
(transferring all over the world)
Info needed for Bank transfers :-

1: Bank name
2: Bank address
3: Zip code
4: Account Holder
5: Account number
6: Account Type
7: Routing number
8: Swift number
9: BIC and IBAN
Bank transfer will take maximum 20 minute to show money in your bank account.

Bank Transfer Rates:
$1500 transfer = $250 Charges (Payment Only BTC)
$2500 Transfer = $350
$5000 Transfer = $500
$10,000 Transfer = $1000

MoneyBookers Transfer :-

Offering moneybookers / skrill transfer worldwide.It is a instant payment/transfer .im using safer and safer way to transfer moneybookers so there is no chargebak and negative feedback.

(transferring all over the world)

Money Bookers Transfer Rates :

$1500 transfer = $250 Charges (Payment Only BTC)
$2500 Transfer = $350
$5000 Transfer = $500
$10,000 Transfer = $1000

Paypal Transfer :-

Using hacked and verified Paypal accounts to transfer Paypal account to account transfer if you are genius then you can easily dodge Paypal and enjoy big free online money from it.this is depends upon you and this is most safest way to earn money.
(transferring all over the world except banned/blacklisted countries)

Paypal Transfer Rates :
$1500 transfer = $250 Charges (Payment Only BTC)
$2500 Transfer = $350
$5000 Transfer = $500
$10,000 Transfer = $1000

Terms & Conditions :
A person can take transfer once in a week and maximum 4 times in a month .
If anyone want to do regular business with me then you must have many bank accounts,paypal,moneybookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers
your paypal and Wu ids will be black listed and banned. so think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance
or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.












Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
Paid adv. expire in 2 months
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