Password Cracking Techniques


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Phishing is a type of social engineering attack where the attacker sends fraudulent emails or text messages that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. The emails or text messages will often contain a link that, when clicked, will take the user to a fake website that looks like the real website. Once the user enters their login credentials on the fake website, the attacker has stolen them.

  • Create a fake website or email address that looks like it belongs to a legitimate company or organization.
  • Send the fake email or text message to the victim, urging them to click on a link or enter their login credentials.
  • When the victim clicks on the link, they will be taken to a fake website that looks like the real website of the company or organization.
  • The victim will be prompted to enter their login credentials, which will be sent to the attacker.

Social Enginering

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into divulging confidential information or performing actions that could put them at risk. Attackers often use social engineering tactics to gain access to passwords and other sensitive information. For example, an attacker might call a user and pretend to be a technical support representative from the user's bank. The attacker might then ask the user for their password to "verify their identity."

  • Befriend the victim and gain their trust.
  • Once you have gained their trust, ask them for their password or other sensitive information.
  • You can also use social engineering to trick the victim into giving you their password by sending them a fake email or text message that looks like it is from a legitimate source.
Rainbow Table

A rainbow table is a precomputed table of hashes that can be used to quickly crack passwords. Rainbow tables are created by taking a large number of common passwords and hashing them with a variety of algorithms. The resulting table can then be used to crack passwords by looking up the hash of a password in the table.

  • Create a rainbow table by hashing a large number of passwords.
  • When you want to crack a password, you can compare the hash of the password to the hashes in the rainbow table.
  • If the hash of the password is in the rainbow table, you can find the corresponding password.


Malware is software that is designed to harm a computer system. Malware can be used to steal passwords, install other malware, or spy on the user's activities. Some common types of malware that can be used to steal passwords include keyloggers, spyware, and trojans.

  • Create a malware program that can steal passwords or other sensitive information from a victim's computer.
  • Infect the victim's computer with the malware program.
  • The malware program will steal the victim's passwords and other sensitive information and send it to the attacker.

Shoulder Surfing:

Shoulder surfing is the act of watching someone enter their password over their shoulder. This is a common way for attackers to steal passwords in public places, such as libraries and coffee shops.

  • Stand behind the victim and watch them type in their password.
  • Write down the password as the victim types it in.

Spidering is a technique that is used to automate the process of finding websites that are vulnerable to password attacks. Spidering tools will often look for websites that have weak password policies or that are using outdated software.

  • Use a web spider to harvest email addresses and other sensitive information from websites.
  • The web spider will visit each page on the website and extract the email addresses and other sensitive information.

A dictionary attack is a type of password attack that uses a list of common words and phrases to try to guess passwords. Dictionary attacks are often successful because many people use weak passwords that are easy to guess.

  • Create a list of commonly used passwords.
  • Try each password in the list against the victim's account until you find the correct one.
Brute Force:

A brute force attack is a type of password attack that tries all possible combinations of characters until the correct password is found. Brute force attacks can be very time-consuming, but they are often successful if the target password is not very strong.

  • Try every possible password combination until you find the correct one.
  • This can be a very time-consuming process, but it is guaranteed to work eventually.

Guessing is the simplest type of password attack. Attackers will often try to guess common passwords, such as "password123" or "qwerty123." Guessing attacks can be successful if the target password is very predictable.

  • Try to guess the victim's password based on information about them, such as their name, birthday, or interests.
  • This is not a very reliable method, but it can sometimes be successful.
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