To pay with Perfect Money we don't accept directly payment to our account.... Only e-Voucher accepted because is 100% safe.
You can get e-Voucher Code with PerfectMoney for deal:
To pay with Perfect Money we don't accept directly payment to our account.
Please make perfect money e-Voucher with your amount and send Private Message To Tornado with Voucher # AND Activation code...
!! HOW TO GET e-Voucher Code PerfectMoney
a) go to any exchanger site use
Note : If You have Curreny like WMZ/BitCoins/MoneyBookers/PayPal You still can Exchange for get PM Funds...
b) Contact with Exchanger and send them money via WU/MG/Bank wire etc ... and then they will give you PerfectMoney e-Voucher Code like this :
!! HOW TO MAKE e-Voucher Code ON PerfectMoney
a) If you have already balance in Your PerfectMoney Account then follow these step
1: Go here :
after then click on e-Voucher code
2: Then you will get page e-Voucher Depository
then click on
Purchase a new e-Voucher »
3: Then you will get this Page Purchase e-Voucher
Please select the account and the exact e-Voucher amount you want to issue.
Account to charge from : USD Account
Amount of e-Voucher : Amount for Buy as u like
4: then you will get page for buy click button and your e-Voucher Code ready to send
Note : Send e-Voucher Code to Tornado that type
You can get e-Voucher Code with PerfectMoney for deal:
To pay with Perfect Money we don't accept directly payment to our account.
Please make perfect money e-Voucher with your amount and send Private Message To Tornado with Voucher # AND Activation code...
!! HOW TO GET e-Voucher Code PerfectMoney
a) go to any exchanger site use
Note : If You have Curreny like WMZ/BitCoins/MoneyBookers/PayPal You still can Exchange for get PM Funds...
b) Contact with Exchanger and send them money via WU/MG/Bank wire etc ... and then they will give you PerfectMoney e-Voucher Code like this :
Then you need to Send Private Message to Tornado with e-Voucher code number and Activation code So he will add e-Voucher code on CX PerfectMoney Account and then he will confirm your Deal.
!! HOW TO MAKE e-Voucher Code ON PerfectMoney
a) If you have already balance in Your PerfectMoney Account then follow these step
1: Go here :
after then click on e-Voucher code
2: Then you will get page e-Voucher Depository
then click on

3: Then you will get this Page Purchase e-Voucher
Please select the account and the exact e-Voucher amount you want to issue.
Account to charge from : USD Account
Amount of e-Voucher : Amount for Buy as u like
4: then you will get page for buy click button and your e-Voucher Code ready to send
Note : Send e-Voucher Code to Tornado that type