Hello everyone, some of you may already know it, but I'm going to talk about PI, it's a new cryptocurrency created by researchers at Stanford University, its main feature is the fact that can undermine it on its phone, for the moment the IPO has not been made so no means to exchange it and therefore the valuation is null (for the moment), however it is quite promising (more than 10 million members at the moment), I'm not promising you fortune but just a potentially profitable investment in the long run and at very low cost (you just need a phone).
So for what its interested its happening here, , you will need a sponsor code to access it, mine is "foudre".
Tip: to be able to exchange the PI that you mine for real PI (it's quite complicated I will not explain in detail) you will need later a national document proving your identity (KYC rules) so put your real coordinates.
So for what its interested its happening here, , you will need a sponsor code to access it, mine is "foudre".
Tip: to be able to exchange the PI that you mine for real PI (it's quite complicated I will not explain in detail) you will need later a national document proving your identity (KYC rules) so put your real coordinates.