![[Image: 687754342.jpg] [Image: 687754342.jpg]](/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ibb.co%2F82Xncqf%2F687754342.jpg&hash=42ba0eb255f8fe92f24e4fdd57771474)
Checker login ; password PIA VPN
We launch the software, enter the number of threads (I recommend 10), enter the name of the database in the format "filename.txt" (without quotes, the database must be in the folder with the software), wait for the check to finish. The files valid_with_log.txt and valid_witout_log.txt appear in the folder with the software and database. In the first, the result will be in the format login ; password: days until the end of the sabka, in the second simply login ; password.
WinRAR Password: 123
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