Post Bot administrator zutick


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Client Package with Avtozaliami Zutick
Work in all browsers * (IE,FF,Opera, Chrome,Safari) without! administrator rights.


Software consists of a core and an open API to write third-party plug-in modules to it.
In fact, all the software modules so it will give a description of each.

Core module:
+ Installs and works with any windows (even x64) without administrator rights.
+ Excellent support for windows7 windows vista.
+ Has an open api to communicate with other modules.
+ All modules are always encoding and Zarar on disk. Implementation and interpretation of memory only.
+ Not required kriptovat modules
+ Refine logging mechanism to drive the debugger or the Internet all the interesting events.

The module works with browsers:
+ Works with all browsers installed on the system *
+ Transparent inject into the page on the fly (we do not expect a full page buffering) work units.
+ Full implementation class for avtozalivov on javascript, all ready functionality, writing for himself
+ Built-in mechanisms for transferring the captcha panel, is currently working on fidutsii.
+ Grabing all shapes, positions geta, HTTP, HTTPS everything you need to loot.
+ The ability to send a transparent form on the web, without palivo banks themselves (these sins Zeus and Aki can be locked)
+ Communication with the bot and the panel of script avtozaliva
+ Video - can be included anywhere in the browser - very useful for avtozaliva. The file size is minimal. 1 minute about 800Kb. The quality is quite for stocks. Color.
mega useful thing when you need to find out where are your translation, or why not load bay.

The module links:
+ Communication through the buffer servers - either the main server never shines and lives long and quietly
+ API for modules - all modules use communication module.
+ + Automatic compression Rahr crypto everything that is sent to the panel (video, screenshots, logs all)
+ Download and install, installation Uninstall software, Kill windows, delete cookies, itd I is not even describe it all by itself there.
+ Contango on any number of buffer serevere
+ Is the ability to generate domain. if there is no answer for a long time from the server.

Module javascript engine
Everything looks so
Download the script from the panel bot it performs can be anything
ICQ spam Facebook and contacts, mail. everything that can bot can do and the encoder can only know java script.
+ Use any opportunity bot and modules javascript!
+ Is ready spammers say facebook
+ Is a partially finished DDoS module scripts and browser. Indistinguishable from a person works for a real live hidden browser.
module SOX
+ Konekt bey SOCKS4 / 5 HTTP / S Proxy Server
+ CMD shell
+ Konekt Bey on - get RDC SMB.
+ Small size

Grabber module FTP and E-mail
+ Rob of traffic ftp uchetki and if you want to e-mail (rcpt to "komu")
Recovery module Troy
+ If the software will remove and rearrange the windows disk formatting software still return
+ Being developed so that the module received an administrator automatically WIN7

Cleanup foreign Trojans
+ Removes Zeus and spayay.
+ Analysis of the non-signing certificates and software
+ Process Analysis without windows
+ Analysis of startup and all the standard places where written Trojans
+ Ability to kill apps which itself respawn or regenerates itself in the registry
+ Statistics! had been killed. everything goes to the panel.
+ Target black, white lists ONLINE.
+ Analysis of drivers, branches UserInit, RUN, AppInit etc
- Module old he is about 4 years old, may need revision

Module locking update Kaspersky
- Needs strengthening
Implementation of the ACC module 1
+ Works in wine CP
- A simple module. terminal connection as the other bots. nothing new. otstuk how to work in vin7 works without admin rights is useless.

ACC module implementation 2.
+ Work goes straight to the session of the user, even works on limited uchetku
+ The command starts the browser (IE or FF) user in stealth mode and no sound, with all of its cookies, solami, Serta, etc..
+ Browser can not see any on the taskbar or in the application list, the Task Manager
+ Full control of the browser, filling out forms, etc..
+ Can intercept does the user, making it hidden, and continue to work in it.
control Panel
- PHP 5.2 and higher
- MySQL 5.1.49 and above
- OS Linux (recommended Debian Squeeze)

+ To enter the certificate and login password
+ Non-standard port
= Penetrate the web no chance.

+ Alert in jabber,
+ Komenty to bots
+ Advanced statistics - Statistics on deaths bots on instalam, countries, Online, OS, Activism
+ Control and command
+ Konektbeki and Advanced Management for SOCKS proxy module
+ View screenshots and videos with bots
+ View kernel log and web logs, search, sort and sample vsevozmozhnoye
+ IFREYMER that can go through the ripped FTP.
+ Avtozaliv controller - the creation of mules, limits, tied to banks, viewing dump proinzhekchenyh pages, viewing everything that is relative to inject and avtozalivam
+ Ready class avtozaliva actually with him, you can do pretty quickly AZ.
+ Ability to create a limited account with access to specific builds, or the control panel features.
+ Automatic version control - you load a modular panel SAMA its crypto on the fly. defines its version identifier. etc.
+ Statistics installed and running software on your computer Holder.
+ All pretty usability clickable used AJAX. panel in the work for a long time as a bot so good usability.
+ Crash logs and kreshdampy. fall bot and modules is logged. dumps stack registers, partially automatic analysis, the definition of a failed module, etc.
+++++ JOINT api to develop their own and injects AVTOZALIVOV.
+ Relatively simple conversion injects Zeus in our format.
Gateway - a server other than the primary server with the admin, redirect requests from the bots in the admin area, and gave answers from her. Gateway is needed in order to hide the main server from Abuzer. Because Gateways can be a lot, and as the withering away of some, it will be possible to quickly add other botnet will live.
Gateway - is a set of php-scripts. Therefore, for it to work requires a web server with php and off safe-mode.

* - If a specific software does need a little tune. Fully supports the new browsers IE 9,FF 4,FF 5
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Credits:Tequilaa [damagelab russian forum]
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