To make run you need to make it executable so u gotta do chmod +x
after that u can run it like this in below Grin
d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com smtpBruteForcer v1.0
[+] Scanning: 61.1.*.*
[+] Users Loaded: 182
[+] Words Loaded: 53
This will scan the whole 61.1 range, u can adjust this as u like...... i sorted out the username and password list from the most common brute forces, so u can leave that as it is.
after that u can run it like this in below Grin
d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com smtpBruteForcer v1.0
[+] Scanning: 61.1.*.*
[+] Users Loaded: 182
[+] Words Loaded: 53
This will scan the whole 61.1 range, u can adjust this as u like...... i sorted out the username and password list from the most common brute forces, so u can leave that as it is.