QuantikXanax Releases Intel from DrXanax Bust

Old School

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11 yrs. 5 mth. 28 days
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Here is an audio file. it is the audio recording of the micro of my spy in drxanax team court room. I have over 4 hours, but for convenience i have only included Part 2 of 4, because it is where LE explains how they busted them in roughly 30-40 minutes

its in french. The file can be found here

QuantikXanax has recently disclosed new information regarding the arrests of the DrXanax team. In the Reddit post, Quantik says he sent a spy into the courtroom, and informed the public that the team was released the morning of October 16th under strict conditions.

“Not use a computer, not have a cellphone, curfew from 20h to 7h, not be in a bar/restaurant, no interaction or communication with each other, report to the police station once a week.”

Quantik claims that the Dr.Xanax team was using a real supplement shops return address. This supplement shop in question opened the packages and called local law enforcement.

“With the tracking, they got a video of the guy who posted it.”

Afterwards, a call was sent out to all Canada Posts to aid identification. When a worker recognized him, he called over another employee to check the car ID.

Law Enforcement than seized all the packages over the next 9 days, followed him, bugged his car, and “found the remaining infrastructure.”

“The warrants were granted quick because the cops knew they would change their operation if they noticed the packages was being held.”

According to the Reddit post, Law Enforcement watched Georges use 17 different post offices in all.

“Some packages were being shipped from Ontario to speed up the delivery to USA.”

During the bail hearing, Quantik says that police mentioned that the analysis of the computer found in the dispatch room had logs for “hundreds and hundreds” of orders, raising security issues for those who have placed orders with him.

“Fadi lived with his brother Georges and was in charge of moving the bulk pills from the lab to the stash. It is alleged he helped moving cellulose and excipients to the lab as well.”

“Simon and Christian made the pills. They busted 30k in cash in Christian’s Porsche.”

“Arden was seen talking to everyone, visited all places and stayed at the lab with Christian an entire 24 hours around the 3rd of October.”

Quantik says that he has not heard any mention of Dark Net Markets or Bitcoin.

“Arden was slapped with 1 charge (Production), Fadi 3 (Possession/Production), Christian and Simon 4 (Possession/Production), Georges 26 (Possession, Trafficking, Exportation) but it has since climbed to 30 because the investigation continues.”

Quantik says “we had our lawyers contact their colleagues for more intel.”

Some have claimed that this intel could potentially just be marketing material for QuantikXanax, and some even question his possible involvement in the arrests made. However, current information does appear to be consistent with other reports detailing the bust.

As for the vendor QuantikXanax, he has yet to reopen shop after this bust, leading many to question his future role in the Dark Net Xanax scene. Other vendors have begun to spring up, attempting to fill the position of bulk Xanax distribution, yet Quantik appears to be very hopeful and optimistic for the future, saying in a Reddit comment “I bet I will still be there in 1 year.
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