With this Tool you can Easily search Logs for Crypto Wallets, Credit Cards and Files such as cookies. They will easily get stored and renamed wherever you want.
[+] File Grabber / Sorter: Get Files with specfic keywords in there name (cookie, password etc.)
[+] Remove Custom Fonts in TXT Files: With just a press on a button you can delete all custom fonts in all of your TXT Files.
[+] Keyword line remover: Remove lines that have specific Keywords in them
[+] Wallet Finder: Get Folders that have specific Crypto Wallet names (Metamask, Exodus etc.)
[+] Credit Card Finder: Get Credit Card Number, Expiry and if existing cvv from all logs.
[+] Settings: You can select that the Tool will write the original link of the file at the first line of a TXT File (useful if you found something good but maybe need to find the password file)
[+] Settings Wallet Finder: It Automatically creates a TXT file in each Wallet Folder named as the original link to the Rat Log
Arhive pass:123
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