Refund GooglePlay Purchase 2024


Well-known member
1 yrs. 7 mth. 3 days
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So I have figured out a way to bypass "but we can’t provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy" and got myself a refund. I have stated all the steps I took as you may not get it directly from step 7.

Steps I took:

1. Go to google play store on your web browser and go to your account page

2. Go to purchase history and select report problem

3. From options I initially chose: Purchase is defective and doesn't work as advertised- got email saying "but we can’t provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy"

4. I repeated step 2 and this time selected: I no longer wasn't this purchase- got email saying "but we can’t provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy"

5. Repeated step 2 and this time selected: Purchase was made by friend or family member without my consent- got email saying "but we can’t provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy"

6. Waited 5 minutes

7. Repeated step 2 and this time selected: I don't recognize this purchase or charge- I got an email saying the refund has been approved.

Hope this helps you guys.
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