Hello, I was looking through Github and found this cool repo:
For any of you that uses a Debian based Linux distro that isnt Tails/Whonix but still want to route your entire system through Tor, this is how I did it.
I'm still learning lots about Linux, so keep that in mind.
Clone the repo and cd to it:
git clone && cd nipe
Install libs and dependencies:
sudo cpan install Try::Tiny Config::Simple JSON
Run the install script(must be ran as root)
sudo perl nipe.pl install
I then created a shell script named init-nipe.sh with these lines:
sudo systemctl restart tor.service
cd /home/(YOUR-USER)/nipe
sudo perl nipe.pl start
sudo perl nipe.pl restart
sudo perl nipe.pl status
sudo perl nipe.pl restart
The reasoning for multiple restart lines is because it sometimes doesn't work. Might not be the best solution, but it's how I did it.
Make the shell script executable as root:
sudo chmod 755 init-nipe.sh
Edit your crontab:
sudo crontab -e
Finally, add these lines at the bottom:
@reboot sudo systemctl start tor.service
@reboot /home/(YOUR-USER)/init-nipe.sh
As mentioned before, I'm still learning Linux so this might not be the best/most effective solution.
For any of you that uses a Debian based Linux distro that isnt Tails/Whonix but still want to route your entire system through Tor, this is how I did it.
I'm still learning lots about Linux, so keep that in mind.
Clone the repo and cd to it:
git clone && cd nipe
Install libs and dependencies:
sudo cpan install Try::Tiny Config::Simple JSON
Run the install script(must be ran as root)
sudo perl nipe.pl install
I then created a shell script named init-nipe.sh with these lines:
sudo systemctl restart tor.service
cd /home/(YOUR-USER)/nipe
sudo perl nipe.pl start
sudo perl nipe.pl restart
sudo perl nipe.pl status
sudo perl nipe.pl restart
The reasoning for multiple restart lines is because it sometimes doesn't work. Might not be the best solution, but it's how I did it.
Make the shell script executable as root:
sudo chmod 755 init-nipe.sh
Edit your crontab:
sudo crontab -e
Finally, add these lines at the bottom:
@reboot sudo systemctl start tor.service
@reboot /home/(YOUR-USER)/init-nipe.sh
As mentioned before, I'm still learning Linux so this might not be the best/most effective solution.