Steam Account Turkey Method + experience


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I will asume you have basic knowledge of anonymity and payment processing.

As title say this thread will tell my experience on using and trying Steam Turkey method to get cheapest and lowest game price. what i do, how i make error and lost amount of money and cost of it.

The method itself simple : register you account using vpn with server turkey -- but there thing that whoever share this method no tell to you.

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Steam has patch region switching abuse,.

No matter what good vpn+proxy you use, if you not refill you account using turkey steam code or turkey payment/Visa card worldwide you account will get stuck with your local payment method (example usa store).

After you Refill you steam wallet with turkey code you will never be able redeem any code from any region except turkey, this are the harsh experience that i got, i try redeem from another nation and steam refuse it cost me 10$ .

the solution is you need to do local payment using turkey payment but in proceed the local payment are somehow not available(probably being block for me) and only way to pay is through CC either visa or mastercard.

The current and best solution is to buy code from 3rd party but this can sometime bit expensive, i prefer using cryptoreffil (support altcoin) which offer 10-20 TRA code but they can get quickly sold out, average wallet code balance sell on market mostly be set around 50,100 to 250 TL.

For existing account creation method itself i not sure if this method are still works because when i create one and refill it with TRL it still somehow forced me to proceed purchase with CC.

If you want play safe, like or not you need buy account, I can't offer recommendation but the account i buy was from wmcentre store with seller who have highest rating 99 (highest rating mean seller already in market for many year and sell lot product/have good Rep) pay it with Litecoin (wmcentre support bitcoin and altcoin payment) after receiving account use turks vpn and change all detail and pass also change old email to you "special email for this steam account" don't forget to enable steam guard. Later buy Turks steam wallet code and redeem it.

How to Play

when you play and download you don't need use VPN, but... when refill and payment (including microtransaction) use vpn !

So overall cost of doing this

VPN 1,5$ (Cracked Premium VPN i buy from local marketplace)

Steam account : 1,5 $ from wmcentre (not include fee)

Turks Steam Wallet code : 20 TL (1,20 (not include exchanger fee) CryptoRefil pay with litecoin

= 4.2 $

so you can do this under 5 $ but once agai that not mention the cost of exchanger and transfer fee. if you want do this for steam sales i recommend to do that 1 month before sales fest (check steamdb to track next steam sales feast) so you don't get run out stock to buy small amount balance you need for buy game you want.

Credit check

Youtube video explaing region change method (already patch) :

wmcentre seller i buy (no-affilated link)
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