The Art of E-Whoring [NOOB FRIENDLY] [TUT]


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I. What is eWhoreing?
II. How to familiarize yourself with the persona of an eWhore.
III. Sites for Finding Clients.
IV. Various methods to be used with eWhoreing, to accquire more profit.
V. The tools of the trade are discussed, and you are shown how to use them.

What is eWhoreing?
The fact that you are reading this means you must have some earthly concept of the art of eWhoreing. You must have heard about it somewhere or from someone. But, what some of you may not know is the reason that a lot of people come to this art, or want to learn it. If you have never tried it, you may not know of the fun that can be had from it, or the profit that may be gained from it. So that is what I am here to explain to you.

The art itself, as I stated above, can be fun. You get to lurk on chat rooms, or sites to find potential victims to exploit for their money. You get to act as a con man, you get to become someone your not. If you don't get any type of joy from making profit of exploiting people for their money, by making them think your someone your not, then I promise that e-whoring is not the skill for you. However, if you are into that type of skill, then please keep reading. The Art. as I will keep reffering to it throughout my book, can be helpful for other things as well. Lets say you find a potential slave to exploit for his money, and lets say you claim that you are underage. If the man still seems to be interested, you should have no qualms about milking him for all that he is worth. He is scum, and should be treated as so. The bastards that are into child porn, in my personal opinion, can rot in hell. But let's keep personal opinions out of here, and get back to the main topic. In simple terms, e-Whoring is the art of exploiting people for their money by claiming to be someone of a different sex, willing to sell pictures of your body for money. The pictures of your body are not yours, but someone else who has posted them on the web to be used for such things. Now, to move onto the next topic.

How to Train your Mind To Act as an e-Whore.
This topic can be debated by most of the people that venture into The Art, so I will attempt to explain how to teach yourself in becoming an e-Whore. There are several things that you must remember when exploiting clients. You are NOT yourself. Always remember to stick to your always. Ways to do this are: A. Make sure the e-mail you use pertains to the Alias you are using. B. Make sure that your chat room name is similar to the alias you are using, and C. Make sure to study your information. A Good way to do this is by typing all the information about the Alias you are undergoing, such as name, e-mail, age, and personal facts you have made up, into a text editor like Notepad, or Notepad++. Make sure to study this at least 3 times a day, Before you go to bed, after you wake up, and another random time throughout the day. It is key to keep your studying time, and time spent working on your alias limited, as to not get it mixed in with your personal life.
Another key thing to remember is that all your trying to do is obtain profit. Don't give out any of your key information on accident. Don't ever give them places similar to your true location. This is to prevent attracting pedophiles to the local male/females in your area ( Depending on the sex you claim to be ). We wouldn't want any of your friends and family to fall prey to the people you are trying to exploit.

Sites You can Use to Find Clients
This section is just a list of some of the possible sites that you can visit to try finding victims to exploit.
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Various Yahoo! Chat rooms. Be careful using these.
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Be Careful wth this one
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You can use any of the sites listed above to find victims or clients to exploit for profit. If it is a XXX or pornographic site is is easier for you to find victims, and/or clients. All you have to do is use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Claim to be a female around the age of 18 or higher. Say that you are really horny, and looking to sell some naked pictures of yourself for profit. Say you will give them 5 pictures of yourself for 10 dollars, and then 10 more for 20 Dollars, and keep going on and on. I do not make your rates for you, you may come up with your own rates for what you charge your victims/clients.
Method 2: Claim to be a young female who has just started college. Create a sob story about how you just got fired from your job at the local diner, and have no source of income. Inform them that your parents are helping you pay for tuition fund you, but you have no way to fund your books for class, or materials like a laptop, book bag, and camera. So again, using your own personal rates, inform them you will send them a few pictures/videos of yourself for whatever amount you charge. Keep the amounts between 10-40 Dollars, or whatever currency you happen to use.
Method 3: Claim to be a gay male, if the site attracts males, and claim that you are willing to send out any picture of yourself, any video of yourself, to any horny men out there willing to pay for some hot ass. Once more, you will use your personal rates that you have set up. You can keep them running, if you have a large ePack. ( Will be discussed in the next Section ).
Method 4: This method is for if your looking for a cell phone, and haven't acquired all the money for it yet. Inform your slave or client that you would really like to talk to them, and you can't access a local payphone. Tell them if they send you extra money, you will purchase a good Tracfone, or any other pay-per-minutes / no contract type of phone. The price can be anywhere from 20 to 60 Dollars, or again, whatever your local currency is compared to USD.

Other Methods You can Use Once a slave has been Acquired.
I'm sure a lot of you reading this must think that there is a lot more to e-Whoring, and this is true to some extent. So do not fret! There is other things you can do once you have a client / slave. If you claim to be over the age of 18, and have already obtained some form of money from the Client, then it's time to try and bleed him dry. Inform the client that you are under the age of 18, tell them you are 17, and ask them if they want to continue. If their answer is Yes, read Below. If there answer is no read 2 Below.

1 : So you have just told them that you are under the age of 18, and asked them if that is ok. You have informed them that you only dd it because you wanted money to buy some kind of shoe, or some kind of feminine accessory. Tell them you'll keep sending them pictures, if they will keep paying you. And if their answer is Yes, you send them pictures or a video one final time. Make sure you are keeping screen shots, or some form of log of your conversations. Inform your slave that you have done this, and that you want to show your mom or your dad that you have found a pedophile on the internet. Inform that that if they send you anywhere from 50 to 200 Dollars ( Or that, in your local currency ) then you will dissapear. The chances are that they will do this, because they are quite stupid, and have said things to incriminate them in real life, had you truly been an underage teen. So Congratulations. You have made a hefty sum of money, PLUS what the slave has already paid you for all your past pictures sent.
2. Their answer was No.. Do not let this get you down. Tell them that your very thankful for their honesty, and you will leave them alone and stop sending them pictures. Tell them you will erase all the documents proving that he/she associated with you, an alleged underage male/female. And that's it. You've used this Client up. Move on, and find a new slave. :]

Tools of The Trade.
Another short section. There is only two tools of the trade, as an eWhore. 1. Your ePack, and 2. Your proxy/VPN As to not get caught with your personal IP Address, and banned from the site you are attracting clients on.

The Best I have found. Just google eWhore Pack or you can search here Leakforums. Havent really look if there is some.
Your ePack: The Pictures that you use as an eWhore. They are not of your own body, so how will you find them? There are multiple ways. You can use prehosted ones, or create your own. To create your own, just create an account on a porn site such as:
Once you have created a profile on one of those sites, you will be able to veiw the profiles of other young woman exposing them self. You can simply leech the photos off those members profiles, and compile them into your own personal pack. But always remember to keep the same name, and below I will provide male and female names that you can select at will, Provided by a simple Google Search:
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You can use any of the names on this site, along with combinations of them, for last names to come up with your alias. Do not forget to study, as to not forget your alias. :]
Proxy or VPN. These can be used to hide your IP address so you do not get IPbanned from any website that you are attempting to obtain clients of victims on. There are a few web-based proxies that I know of, but I will only mention two, and a VPN.
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Both are great web-based, online proxies that require no download. How ever, if you wish to have a little bit more security I recommend you either purchase a Virtual Private Network, or use a free one such as CyberghostVPN Located at:
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Just use the tab on the side to change the language to your nationality.
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Fantastic work Bro, Thanks
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