The Best E whoring Guide and Tips That Makes Lots of $$$$$


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The Best E whoring Guide and Tips That
Makes Lots of $$$$$
Before you decide to E-Whore, first of the things you need is to have patience you can't give up
if you don't see results in 1 hour or 2 hours, at the beginning I have been trying for whole nights,
I was reading tuts I have been finding ways to verify my PayPal for free, a few times I have been
seen on my cam because I forgot to set up the settings on my skype and chose manycam as
webcam device I felt so miserable about those troubles I got, but after all troubles and problems
finally I start to make some money and remember the more time you spend the more money
you get.
ManyCam, you can download from the official web site but the last version is a little bit fucked
up because of the logo which stands on the screen and can't be removed, so you might search
for the previous version 2.6.60 , but I will give you the download link from the previous version
Download ManyCam
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So open ManyCam and first thing is to remove the ManyCam Logo (click on the first tab called
"Effects" then click on "Text over video" and on the right side it will pop up some options make
sure you have disabled "Show Logo") and with that we are done.
Picture 1 of ManyCam
If you have downloaded some videos you need to use ManyCam for the videos as I said before,
also make sure that those videos which you have need to be .wmv format to be able to play on
Go to the second tab called "Sources" click on "Movies" then "Open New File"
Picture 2 of ManyCam
Setting up MSN/SKYPE/YAHOO MESSENGERAfter we setup that with ManyCam we need to
do the next settings in our MSN/SKYPE/YAHOO MESSENGER.
Setting up MSN

Make sure that you have selected manycam as webcam device on your
msn/skype/yahoo messenger to be able to play the video I will show you how to make

Settings for MSN (Selecting ManyCam as webcam device and disabling your

Tools>Setup audio and video devices

In the first window just select the disable option about the microphone

and click NEXT, then you need to select the webcam and you need to look for something
like "ManyCam Video Source" and click finish
Picture 1 of MSN (settings)
Setting up SKYPE
Tools>Options>Video settings>select your ManyCam Video Source as webcam and hit SAVE.
Picture 1 of SKYPE (settings)
Messenger>Preferences>Video&Voice at the end hit OK!
Picture 1 of YAHOO MESSENGER (settings)
Because PayPal is the most used payment option in the world you need and you need to make
account there, try to receive every money as gift because they won't be able to dispute the
same transaction, and the most important thing is to verify your paypal, so you might use some
VCC from the internet but using VCC is not free so you might find some way or look around for
some tutorial on "How to verify your paypal and avoid some transactions of dispute the same
etc...".YOU MUST VERIFY your PayPal in order to start e-whoring.If someone notice that you
have another name on your PayPal just answer
Act Like a Girl

You will be meet the most fucking and sick people that you have imagine ever in your
life.Some of the people will ask you first to flash for it ... that's why is the best to have
some good made video and use every moment to trick him, for example if you have
recorded some girl on the internet without lights and late at the night in her room some of
the customers will ask you to turn on your lights, so you need to trick him and kinda to
make him to believe you that you are not a video, so write him something like

This is the best trick ever.He will believe you because he is already horny and won't lose
the girl because of the lights in her room ...

When you chat with them try to act like more girly by typing at the end some XX or
calling him hun sweety etc...

Some of the customers might ask if you can do some poo show, have sex with dog, if
you can puke and many more fucking sick things we will for sure answer that we can
make , and after sending his money on your paypal you just block him and keep going
with some other people.
Chat Rooms
So you are asking where I can find that people who pays for that shit . Well I will give you below
some sites where you can do that.
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Pictures & Videos
In my whole e-whoring career I haven't been selling for pictures, I was just playing videos,
videos and videos! Because I find selling pictures so boring like first you need to chat with the
customer for about 15-20 mins no matter how hard you try to make him believe that you are
really girl they won't send you the money because they have a job and knows how they earn
those money.Well about videos it's just simple you can go on some websites where there is free
broadcasting and looking for some quite good amount of money, I will give you brief example
With this conversation you will get the customer 100000% I will guarantee that he will pay as
soon as possible.
I know just this site which is good for doing these things.
That's why I prefer more videos then pictures because I explained before why playing videos is
better then pictures, and when they send you the money as gift just block him you don't need to
lose your time with waiting to finish the video, because if he ask for something to show him on
the cam he will notice that you are a video, so get out of there as soon as possible, just got the
money and keep going like that.
First of all we need to download FlyVPN from the following link
Click on “Installer package (Full, recommended) and download/install it. After that go to this link
FlyVpn Free Trial
You will see a free username and password
Type that username in password in FlyVPN program and click connect,
After that another window from the FlyVPN program will appear on your desktop where you
have option to select from which country you want to choose , for example from USA or ASIA I
recommend you to choose Las Vegas or Seattle (remember we need to use an American IP)
and click connect.
And you will be connected and will be using American IP which will protect us. It’s not morality
but I recommend you to use VPN just to protect yourself from any troubles.
Useful Tips
You will see a lot of weird situations from the customers horny guys, first of all they need to see
if you are real and prove them, like raise your left hand show me 3 fingers, show me 4 fingers,
wave etc. In most of the VCW's and videos there are a lot of features but you need to be
prepared on everything, or to make your own private VCW just do not forget to add these
1.raise left hand
2.raise right hand 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 fingers (many guys asked me to show them 7 fingers, if I had that in my
own vcw's I could earn 3 times $200, but I missed it.) feet
6.thumbs up
7.make sign like (heart)
9.touch your boobs with clothes on of course
That's the one of the recommended lists for VCW that you need to be prepared, if you make
your own and add these kind of options and lag you out just cut make 2 vcws with the same girl.
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11 yrs. 6 mth. 19 days
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You really wonderful.This forum is the best so far.Thanks for the share
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