KIK & SNAPCHAT METHOD! (so you can use this same kik method i put together for snapchat, just use your snapchat name instead of your kik)
I wrote up a method and put details in this mega kit, and remember its all about the approach and timing is key, don't rush!, never rush!, itll be worth it!
So to start of make a FACEBOOK (makesure the facebook is verified on a phonenumber and email), KIK, SKYPE, these are the 3 things ull need mostly , ohh and a phone number you can use.
so what you do is make the accounts all in the same name girl with same photos, all the regular stuff, but then get the skype ready and put that to 1 side, thatll be there when you need it, then make your facebook and new email all in the girls name,
makesure the facebook looks legit, then got to this website, ( ) and sign in using the girls facebook and then sign up using all the girls photos and things then makesure you put in the bio, "LOOKING FOR SOME AMAZING COMPANY" and then put your kick name in your bio to.
now click on the nearby section and ull start getting a lot of messages of men from the site, just write them a message saying , add my kik - username , its easier to talk!
and do this for about 30mins or longer if you liked, but 30 mins normally gets about the right amount to cope with for afew days, so as soon as the guys start coming to your kik, the approach is key.
So the method that is key and mentioned is this, THE APPROACH!
So when you start talking to a guy and they start asking for pics, you send them afew and then they start asking for more like nudes , when they do say "ull have to get me drunk for that" or "ull have to get me some wine" this lets uno if the men are going to be down to pay or not, so another way is the credit way to weed out the wasters to the money guys,
so you've spoken to a guy for a day or so,
then say I'm at college or work and no wifi or credit would you get me alittle bit so I can carry on talking as I like talking to you, and makesure you say things like , I hope I'm the only 1 you like and when you send a pic instantly ask, do I look nice, its the little things that matter, so if none of them work for you, just move on and block, but after
this little test for them if they do, then theres 2 ways
you could take it, I'm only going to explain 1, there 2nd is private and only afew close people know, so the last bit is the most you can get, basically you are going to say youll meet them in person and get them to pay for the travel by sending you the money to pay to where they are, and theres other ways but after you find out there going to buy things
and you got past that point ino youll be able to pull the
travel side off, so hopefully every victim, is around $200/$500 -
but with the secret method its in its $1000s!, pm me for that side of things!
(Just alittle side note to, to gain alittle more traffic, even tho ino that website will do, use the many extra traffic site i gave you and post your username around)
thanks guys for reading and hope it helps, I only wrote abit, so if anyone wants full details and speak to me on discord or skype, jst pm me, thanks!
hope people apprechiate the method and use it! , thanks
E-whoring tips for traffic
CONFIRM PICS GENERATOR - (good for them 1 time verify moments)
Auto Pilot Method
free domain - (suggested)(easy)
First you need to download "bluestacks" and then this will let you post live pics and videos from your desktop right to your
snapchat account, making it look legit, just download casper.io for bluestacks too, if you have any problems with these steps,
just pm me and ill help more, but now you have to gain the traffic and its not that hard to do, all you do is like any of my
traffic methods, post your username and pic around the sites ive provided and just keep talking with the men and posting your name.
Once your gaining 100 then 200 then into the 1000's, we need to start a website up, any will do, make a free domain with the girls
name as the domain and make the website, for your ewhore and put the snapchat code and instagram name and kik on the website if you like, but also
state how much your services are and how you would like to be paided, its abit like the autopiliot method, but more hands on,
so now you have a website with afew pics (non nude) and your addys for your ewhores social medias, now you start promoting the site
on the social media accounts you have, snapchat, instagram, KIK, and then everyday post a post on all social medias of that site with your services
on, and it kind of acts like a autopiliot method, and youll be suprised how effective it is!
Im also going to add a instagram way -
How to make a ewhoring instagram account and build it up fast and you dont have to bearly lift a finger, so all you have to do is download the
program instagram bot,(pm me for it), All you do is make a girl instagram account,and put
the username and password of that account in the programm, then theres settings to the programm, you set the account to like 1000 posts aday, post a 1000
comments a day and follow 1000 people aday, and basiclly put the settings in and leave the program running all day and then stop and start
afew times a day and this will act as you posting all day, active as fuk, after 1/2weeks of doing this ull have a big istagram,
that will build the instagram account up so much and help in a big way, and if you have any problems with that or just setting the
programm up, just pm me or come to my discord and ask for me,LINK IN MY SIG!
So in this tutorial ill teach how ive been getting 1000's of snapchat followers and also other traffic sources for other things like KIK and INSTAGRAM.
Well you first get your girl and a decent pack with videos, pics can work but with videos in your pack will be better, ill supply a mega package with alot
of details in it to help you along with it.
Also go to a site like xxxvideos or pornhub and go to homemade videos and download like 10/20 or even 50 different videos half from xxxvideos and half from pornhub,
that look good., so with these videos,
you will only change 1 thing, each video place a picture of your snapchat code and name on the videos in your video editor, this is easy every video editing software will
let you do this, and the videos, half them what you uploaded from xxxvideos, upload to pornhub on few accounts, so make around 2/3 accounts on each to upload the videos from
and do the same to xxxvideos and do this everyday for 1week so you upload to these sites like this, all with the same code imprinted on the video, makesure the videos
are titled with bold titles and click bait such as keywords on the site, add them and in the tags to, look at popular videos on there and just take note of them, if you
need any help at this im only a message away.
On the snapchat code at top just put add me for live interation
moving on if you do this process, it is alittle work, but it does work, as long as you make the accounts and videos look ok, and not spammy, so change the titles and tags
around and thumbnails, but its like anything put alittle time into this and your golden, say 1week and look at the results.
Also makesure you make the profiles on the porn accounts legit with your packs pics as profile but use different 1s for each account, and write in the bio but just copy paste
this to the rest, and you should be good, youll be suprised how effect this is.
You can also do this to many porn sites out there, like there 1000s, so skys the limit, like unlimited traffic, i have big plans.
So for the 2nd method you can implement on the same snapchat code, is from an app called yellow just go to app store and save it, this is a platform where you add your snapchat to it, and have your
ewhore account connected and you get to basiclly add people like facebook and twitter, but you swipe like tinder, and this is also a fast way to get traffic, as you just swipe by every1
you can also get a automatic swiper to do it, which ill be adding as soon as my friend writes that bit in, but it does it even faster, all this is in testing stages, yet
its working for us atm, so im giving it out for FREE for people to test it for me, so feedback is important.
Theres also theres a good app called GHOSTCODES, go to app store download it and set your ewhore on it, but be normal and make it real, so add your catorgories to storyteller and something
with high engagment and then add bunch of people your self so it ranks you on the app so you will go higher in search engine and this is probly 1 of best for getting money
as long as you act real., but all this is in testing stages and to get the traffic you need to put mulitple sources out there, the real followers dont just come from nowere
you need to plant seeds everywhere, and keep on top of it for a set ammount of time, but i promise just do all these, put the work in and then see the results.
You could even do this with multiple snapchat codes and set up like 5 different accounts and sell them, but anything is possible, remmber to make a facebook, instagram and
twitter for you ewhore and ull have all socialmedias covered, if you need anything just pm me or come to my discord and ask for me.
So you open snapchat up, go to memorys and click the photo to take the photo from your camera roll as
you would to post it on your story,then go to edit as you would to edit the photo then click the
edit button what looks like scissors then cut the image you want around the edges, right close to the sides as possible,
then it will crop that image out, and then save it to your storey and save the cropped image to your stickers on your snapchat
so then the photo you want will be on your stickers all you do then is take a photo of a dark screen and click the sticker button,
and choose the girl photo which will be a sticker and then stretch it a little to overlap the screen and then put the photo
on your snapchat storey, you can add text and make it look even more legit, but i came across this as i was doing something
and had to share and many people doing snapchat would love a method to put live pics from just the snapchat app alone, ino theres some apps
but this when you have your pics saved to your stickers its so much easier & faster and from the actual app.
Hope this helps alot of people or even makes it easier, ino few people will have there ways and just find this intresting.
So as i explained in the thread, i recommend using a vpn and moving your location on the vpn and nearby system the site
runs off, so sign up to the site, id make a facebook and verify the email or phone number so it seems legit and log in
then click nearby if your not in uk i recommend for first try, go to uk and point the vpn that way, makesure your
e-whore profile is all legit and put in the about section, come talk to me on my KIK and put your username, and then press
the nearby button on left and there will be a list of people "nearby" so this is what takes 15mins, so you basiclly write a
message saying "hey hun come talk to me on KIK its easyer for me xx" and copy and paste that message and for 15mins or how long
you want post it to all the people on the nearby list and dont reply to them if they respond just send as many as you can, and
then 15mins later stop and your KIK will start blowing up because when people reply and start looking at your nearby profile
it ranks your profile higher, this isnt any normal saturated site so please put all these steps in place and if you have any problems
please pm me asap! on discord, heres the invite link just ask for me -
KIK & SNAPCHAT METHOD! (so you can use this same kik method i put together for snapchat, just use your snapchat name instead of your kik)
I wrote up a method and put details in this mega kit, and remember its all about the approach and timing is key, don't rush!, never rush!, itll be worth it!
So to start of make a FACEBOOK (makesure the facebook is verified on a phonenumber and email), KIK, SKYPE, these are the 3 things ull need mostly , ohh and a phone number you can use.
so what you do is make the accounts all in the same name girl with same photos, all the regular stuff, but then get the skype ready and put that to 1 side, thatll be there when you need it, then make your facebook and new email all in the girls name,
makesure the facebook looks legit, then got to this website, ( ) and sign in using the girls facebook and then sign up using all the girls photos and things then makesure you put in the bio, "LOOKING FOR SOME AMAZING COMPANY" and then put your kick name in your bio to.
now click on the nearby section and ull start getting a lot of messages of men from the site, just write them a message saying , add my kik - username , its easier to talk!
and do this for about 30mins or longer if you liked, but 30 mins normally gets about the right amount to cope with for afew days, so as soon as the guys start coming to your kik, the approach is key.
So the method that is key and mentioned is this, THE APPROACH!
So when you start talking to a guy and they start asking for pics, you send them afew and then they start asking for more like nudes , when they do say "ull have to get me drunk for that" or "ull have to get me some wine" this lets uno if the men are going to be down to pay or not, so another way is the credit way to weed out the wasters to the money guys,
so you've spoken to a guy for a day or so,
then say I'm at college or work and no wifi or credit would you get me alittle bit so I can carry on talking as I like talking to you, and makesure you say things like , I hope I'm the only 1 you like and when you send a pic instantly ask, do I look nice, its the little things that matter, so if none of them work for you, just move on and block, but after
this little test for them if they do, then theres 2 ways
you could take it, I'm only going to explain 1, there 2nd is private and only afew close people know, so the last bit is the most you can get, basically you are going to say youll meet them in person and get them to pay for the travel by sending you the money to pay to where they are, and theres other ways but after you find out there going to buy things
and you got past that point ino youll be able to pull the
travel side off, so hopefully every victim, is around $200/$500 -
but with the secret method its in its $1000s!, pm me for that side of things!
(Just alittle side note to, to gain alittle more traffic, even tho ino that website will do, use the many extra traffic site i gave you and post your username around)
thanks guys for reading and hope it helps, I only wrote abit, so if anyone wants full details and speak to me on discord or skype, jst pm me, thanks!
hope people apprechiate the method and use it! , thanks
E-whoring tips for traffic
CONFIRM PICS GENERATOR - (good for them 1 time verify moments)
Auto Pilot Method
free domain - (suggested)(easy)
First you need to download "bluestacks" and then this will let you post live pics and videos from your desktop right to your
snapchat account, making it look legit, just download casper.io for bluestacks too, if you have any problems with these steps,
just pm me and ill help more, but now you have to gain the traffic and its not that hard to do, all you do is like any of my
traffic methods, post your username and pic around the sites ive provided and just keep talking with the men and posting your name.
Once your gaining 100 then 200 then into the 1000's, we need to start a website up, any will do, make a free domain with the girls
name as the domain and make the website, for your ewhore and put the snapchat code and instagram name and kik on the website if you like, but also
state how much your services are and how you would like to be paided, its abit like the autopiliot method, but more hands on,
so now you have a website with afew pics (non nude) and your addys for your ewhores social medias, now you start promoting the site
on the social media accounts you have, snapchat, instagram, KIK, and then everyday post a post on all social medias of that site with your services
on, and it kind of acts like a autopiliot method, and youll be suprised how effective it is!
Im also going to add a instagram way -
How to make a ewhoring instagram account and build it up fast and you dont have to bearly lift a finger, so all you have to do is download the
program instagram bot,(pm me for it), All you do is make a girl instagram account,and put
the username and password of that account in the programm, then theres settings to the programm, you set the account to like 1000 posts aday, post a 1000
comments a day and follow 1000 people aday, and basiclly put the settings in and leave the program running all day and then stop and start
afew times a day and this will act as you posting all day, active as fuk, after 1/2weeks of doing this ull have a big istagram,
that will build the instagram account up so much and help in a big way, and if you have any problems with that or just setting the
programm up, just pm me or come to my discord and ask for me,LINK IN MY SIG!
So in this tutorial ill teach how ive been getting 1000's of snapchat followers and also other traffic sources for other things like KIK and INSTAGRAM.
Well you first get your girl and a decent pack with videos, pics can work but with videos in your pack will be better, ill supply a mega package with alot
of details in it to help you along with it.
Also go to a site like xxxvideos or pornhub and go to homemade videos and download like 10/20 or even 50 different videos half from xxxvideos and half from pornhub,
that look good., so with these videos,
you will only change 1 thing, each video place a picture of your snapchat code and name on the videos in your video editor, this is easy every video editing software will
let you do this, and the videos, half them what you uploaded from xxxvideos, upload to pornhub on few accounts, so make around 2/3 accounts on each to upload the videos from
and do the same to xxxvideos and do this everyday for 1week so you upload to these sites like this, all with the same code imprinted on the video, makesure the videos
are titled with bold titles and click bait such as keywords on the site, add them and in the tags to, look at popular videos on there and just take note of them, if you
need any help at this im only a message away.
On the snapchat code at top just put add me for live interation

moving on if you do this process, it is alittle work, but it does work, as long as you make the accounts and videos look ok, and not spammy, so change the titles and tags
around and thumbnails, but its like anything put alittle time into this and your golden, say 1week and look at the results.
Also makesure you make the profiles on the porn accounts legit with your packs pics as profile but use different 1s for each account, and write in the bio but just copy paste
this to the rest, and you should be good, youll be suprised how effect this is.
You can also do this to many porn sites out there, like there 1000s, so skys the limit, like unlimited traffic, i have big plans.

So for the 2nd method you can implement on the same snapchat code, is from an app called yellow just go to app store and save it, this is a platform where you add your snapchat to it, and have your
ewhore account connected and you get to basiclly add people like facebook and twitter, but you swipe like tinder, and this is also a fast way to get traffic, as you just swipe by every1
you can also get a automatic swiper to do it, which ill be adding as soon as my friend writes that bit in, but it does it even faster, all this is in testing stages, yet
its working for us atm, so im giving it out for FREE for people to test it for me, so feedback is important.
Theres also theres a good app called GHOSTCODES, go to app store download it and set your ewhore on it, but be normal and make it real, so add your catorgories to storyteller and something
with high engagment and then add bunch of people your self so it ranks you on the app so you will go higher in search engine and this is probly 1 of best for getting money
as long as you act real., but all this is in testing stages and to get the traffic you need to put mulitple sources out there, the real followers dont just come from nowere
you need to plant seeds everywhere, and keep on top of it for a set ammount of time, but i promise just do all these, put the work in and then see the results.
You could even do this with multiple snapchat codes and set up like 5 different accounts and sell them, but anything is possible, remmber to make a facebook, instagram and
twitter for you ewhore and ull have all socialmedias covered, if you need anything just pm me or come to my discord and ask for me.
So you open snapchat up, go to memorys and click the photo to take the photo from your camera roll as
you would to post it on your story,then go to edit as you would to edit the photo then click the
edit button what looks like scissors then cut the image you want around the edges, right close to the sides as possible,
then it will crop that image out, and then save it to your storey and save the cropped image to your stickers on your snapchat
so then the photo you want will be on your stickers all you do then is take a photo of a dark screen and click the sticker button,
and choose the girl photo which will be a sticker and then stretch it a little to overlap the screen and then put the photo
on your snapchat storey, you can add text and make it look even more legit, but i came across this as i was doing something
and had to share and many people doing snapchat would love a method to put live pics from just the snapchat app alone, ino theres some apps
but this when you have your pics saved to your stickers its so much easier & faster and from the actual app.
Hope this helps alot of people or even makes it easier, ino few people will have there ways and just find this intresting.
So as i explained in the thread, i recommend using a vpn and moving your location on the vpn and nearby system the site
runs off, so sign up to the site, id make a facebook and verify the email or phone number so it seems legit and log in
then click nearby if your not in uk i recommend for first try, go to uk and point the vpn that way, makesure your
e-whore profile is all legit and put in the about section, come talk to me on my KIK and put your username, and then press
the nearby button on left and there will be a list of people "nearby" so this is what takes 15mins, so you basiclly write a
message saying "hey hun come talk to me on KIK its easyer for me xx" and copy and paste that message and for 15mins or how long
you want post it to all the people on the nearby list and dont reply to them if they respond just send as many as you can, and
then 15mins later stop and your KIK will start blowing up because when people reply and start looking at your nearby profile
it ranks your profile higher, this isnt any normal saturated site so please put all these steps in place and if you have any problems
please pm me asap! on discord, heres the invite link just ask for me -