The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp


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Learn Android development fundamentals and start creating your own Android applicationsDescription​[New Android lectures are added constantly!]
So here we are, you are on landing page of the course that teaches Android development. You are trying to become an Android developer? Have you ever wondered how Android apps are built? Do you want to create Android app for yourself, for your business or maybe you want to make money by selling your applications or uploading them to google play store?
If answer on any of those questions is yes, The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp course will help you achieve that from scratch!
The complete Java Android App development Bootcamp course uses most recent technologies, and we will build app for most recent Android version.
During development we will use most recent Android studio 4 versions. For any questions that you might have i am waiting at the Q&A section of the course, happy to answer.
Enroll now and :
- Get familiar with Android studio, IDE for creating native Android applications.
- Learn how Android apps are built, and how to build your own android apps from scratch.
- Learn how to make design Android App UI.
- Learn how to generate apk file so that you can send your app to your friends and they can install your app on any Android device without downloading it from google play.
- Learn how to use RecyclerView in Android
- Learn how to make functional android app in general
- Learn LiveData and Fragments in Android
- ViewModels in Android

The price on the Udemy site is 16.99$
Course size: 9.86 GB
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