The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia filed a suit against Rostec, a cyber defen


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Police are to get the power to view the web browsing history of everyone in the country.
Home Secretary Theresa May will announce the plans when she introduces the Government's new surveillance bill in the House of Commons on Wednesday'

It would make it a legal requirement for communications companies to retain all the web browsing history of customers for 12 months in case the spy agencies or police need to access them.

Police would be able to access specific web addresses visited by customers.

The new powers would allow the police to seize details of the website and searches being made by people they wanted to investigate.

They will still need to apply for judicial approval to be able to access the content of the websites.
MPs still using the good old key word 'terrorists' to usher in more policies that limit your privacy. As seen in this quote below..

'Technology makes it easier for terrorists to act, senior official warns'
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