True Cost of "Free RDP" and why it may more expensive than buying


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 14 days
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This are my analysis and view on "Free RDP Method" Trend and may not represent general population or community view on it.

Remote desktop are today "Industry standard when doing "work" or Project.
There many thing that can be do with Rdp such as

Remote Working
Video Encoding (server Farm)
Virtual Shop
Web Server for Media

Not everyone have equal or opportunity to RDP market for various reason, so they resource to find "free" way to get it. There 4 Common method that being use

Azure Trial
Azure Test

Azure Trial Method
Azure Trial Method are Technique to get RDP for every month by abusing Azure Trial Package, this could be acomplish by using empty or 1 $ VCC that can be get by buying it from third party or generate from wallet service that offer VCC card (Advcash,Bitpay,Payonner etc)
This method are the one that most popular, event some are monetize it by reselling rdp to other user for 2 or even 5 time than original price.
This method however are not cost friendly in some region and you still need additional resource such Virtual phone number to create Microsoft account, VPN and proxy to bypass Anti-Abuse system.

Another Alternative that don't require Vcc but still at same site are Azure test method
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It abuse Azure Demo Rdp that could being use for 1 hours. Drawback is this method require Microsoft account+VPN+Proxy

There also method involving abusing Google Cloud using certain Script from github but this not beginner friendly.

Last method is by cracking RDP which you all know, require more resource Patient and knowledge.

Free Stuff is great but event free stuff there still cost for it. if you don't have money you can try use Virtual Machine or buying a decent one from trusted seller, be sure to read TOS, Do Cross Community Review and calculate carefully what you plan to do so it not just wasted not being use.
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