ib4 "u ruined tumblr" tumblr is dead as a social network. No matter what you say or do it just doesn't appeal to the masses anymore, it's active users have dropped by more than 15% and it's becoming myspace in a sense. The only people who use tumblr now are marketers using it for SEO and people using it to host a porn site for free cause they can't find a host to accept them.
Also don't say this doesn't work as I know for a fact it does. It's tested and 100% working.
search the tumblr you want.
Find a trademark on that word, weather it be a mark or an actual word trademark it doesn't matter.
Look at the trademark owners info, create an email and impersonate them.
Email: [email protected]
Tell them you own the trademark and want access to the URL, provide them with the trademark information.
You should have the URL within a day or two. (make sure to reply to their questions)
If you find other sites this works on please post below, This doesn't work on IG, Twitter, or YT anymore unfortunately.
Also don't say this doesn't work as I know for a fact it does. It's tested and 100% working.
search the tumblr you want.
Find a trademark on that word, weather it be a mark or an actual word trademark it doesn't matter.
Look at the trademark owners info, create an email and impersonate them.
Email: [email protected]
Tell them you own the trademark and want access to the URL, provide them with the trademark information.
You should have the URL within a day or two. (make sure to reply to their questions)
If you find other sites this works on please post below, This doesn't work on IG, Twitter, or YT anymore unfortunately.