This is a very simple guide on how to freeze on teamviewer. It black screens them and you can do what you want while they can't see [ Hack Him With Team Viewer Without Premission & Do What You Want ]
What you need to do :
1.Connect your teamviewer with the target PC.
2.Click Actions From the Top toolbar.
3.Click black screen and a box will pop up. Hit Yes.
4.Go to actions again and hit disable/enable remote input. This will not allow him to close anything you doing :angel:
5.Drag a file over or view there desktop or do what you want while they can't see or stop it unless turning off cpu.
6- Send a Rat,virus, etc, using File transfer option on the top.
7- Thanks for reading.
What you need to do :
1.Connect your teamviewer with the target PC.
2.Click Actions From the Top toolbar.
3.Click black screen and a box will pop up. Hit Yes.
4.Go to actions again and hit disable/enable remote input. This will not allow him to close anything you doing :angel:
5.Drag a file over or view there desktop or do what you want while they can't see or stop it unless turning off cpu.
6- Send a Rat,virus, etc, using File transfer option on the top.
7- Thanks for reading.