[tutorial] How to hide your IP on skype from resolvers


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Hey guy's today I'll be showing you how to protect your IP from skype resolver's yes this is easy but hey, maybe someone needs this :).

Method 1: Change Proxy settings

Method 2: Use Website

Method 1:

Step 1: login skype via your skype client

Step 2: Click on tools

Step 3: Select Options

Step 4: Select the tab in the left hand side called Advnaced

Step 5: Select Connection

Step 6: Change from Automatic Proxy detection to HTTPS

Step 7: Go to this sitehttp://www.aliveproxy.com/proxy-list-port-8080/and select one proxy of your chose

Step 8: Past the proxy IP into the Host Box and in the Port box put 8080

Step 9: Save and restart skype

Method 2

Step 1: Open your favortate browser (FireFox Recommended)

Step 2: Go to the follow site
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Step 3: Click the skype logo and login

These methods are easy and great to hide your ip :) Hope you guys like
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