[Tutorial] sqlmap basics


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Syntax: python sqlmap.py [options]

-h, --help Displays brief help for the program
-hh Displays full help for the program
--version Displays the version of the program
-v VERBOSE Verbosity level: 0-6 (default 1)

-d DIRECT Connect directly to the database
-u URL, --url=URL Target URL (e.g. "
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
-l LOGFILE Log from Burp or WebScarb proxy to a file
-m BULKFILE Scan against the list of targets specified in the passed file
-r REQUESTFILE Load HTTP request from file
-g GOOGLEDORK Use Google dork output as target urls (site:, inurl:, intext:)
-c CONFIGFILE Load settings from INI configuration file.

--data=DATA Data string to be sent by POST request
--param-del=PDEL Notation used to separate parameter values
--cookie=COOKIE http cookie header
--cookie-del=CDEL Notation used to separate cookie values
--load-cookies=A.. File containing cookies in Netscape/wget format
--drop-set-cookie Ignore the Set-Cookie header in the response
--user-agent=AGENT User-Agent HTTP header
--random-agent Use random HTTP User-Agent header
--host=HOST HTTP Host header
--referer=REFERER HTTP Referer header
--headers=HEADERS Extra headers (i.e. "Accept-Language: fr\nETag: 123")
--auth-type=ATYPE HTTP authentication type (Basic, Digest or NTLM)
--auth-cred=ACRED HTTP authentication data (name:password)
--auth-private=A.. Private PEM key file for HTTP authentication
--proxy=PROXY HTTP proxy to connect to target URL
--proxy-cred=PCRED HTTP proxy authentication data (name:password)
--ignore-proxy Ignore system proxy settings
--tor Use TOR to connect
--tor-port=TORPORT Specify a TOR proxy port other than the default
--tor-type=TORTYPE Specify TOR proxy type (HTTP (default), SOCKS4 or SOCKS5)
--check-tor Check if TOR is being used properly
--delay=DELAY Delay in seconds between each HTTP request
--timeout=TIMEOUT Time to wait in seconds before resetting the connection (30 by default)
--retries=RETRIES Number of retries on timeout (3 by default)
--randomize=RPARAM Random value for given parameters
--safe-url=SAFURL URL frequently visited during testing
--safe-freq=SAFREQ Test requests between two accesses to the given safe URL
--skip-urlencode Skip payload data encoding
--force-ssl Force SSL/https
--hpp Use HPP query parameter pollution
--eval=EVALCODE Execute Python code before request (i.e. "import hashlib;id2=hashlib.md5(id).hexdigest()")

The following options can be used to improve the performance of sqlmap
-o Enable all optimizations
--predict-output Predict common outgoing headers
--keep-alive Use a persistent HTTP(S) connection
--null-connection Get page size without http response body
--threads=THREADS Maximum number of simultaneous http(s) requests (default - 1)

These options can be used to specify which options to use for payload checking, injections, and untrusted scripts
-p TESTPARAMETER Test parameters
--skip=SKIP Skip test for given parameters
--dbms=DBMS Force(?) background DBMS to be used
--dbms-cred=DBMS.. DBMS authentication data (user:password)
--os=OS Use server DBMS OS for given values
--invalid-bignum Use large numbers to detect invalid values
--invalid-logical Use logical operations to determine invalid values
--invalid-string Use random strings to detect invalid values
--no-cast Disable payload
--no-escape Disable line escaping
--prefix=PREFIX Payload in prefix string
--suffix=SUFFIX Payload in suffix string
--tamper=TAMPER Use script to fake injection data

These options can be used to customize detection levels
--level=LEVEL Test level (1-5, default 1)
--risk=RISK Risk of testing (0-3, default 1)
--string=STRING String to match if query returns TRUE
--not-string=NOT.. String to match if query returns FALSE
--regexp=REGEXP Regexp to match when query is TRUE
--code=CODE HTTP code when request is TRUE
--text-only Compare pages based on text content
--titles Compare pages based on their titles

These options can be used to customize the test methods for a particular SQL injection
--technique=TECH SQL injection method to use (default "BEUSTQ")
--time-sec=TIMESEC DB response delay in seconds (default 5)
--union-cols=UCOLS Column range to test with UNION query SQL injection
--union-char=UCHAR Designation for using brute force the number of columns
--union-from=UFROM Table to use in the FROM part of a UNION query
--dns-domain=DNS.. Domain name used for DNS exfiltration attack
--second-order=S.. URL of the final page found for the second-order request

-f, --fingerprint Obtain extended data about the DBMS version by fingerprint

These options can be used to enumerate server database management systems for information, structures and data contained in tables. Moreover, you can run your own SQL queries
-a, --all Get all
-b, --banner Get DBMS text banner (official name, version number)
--current-user Get current DBMS user
--current-db Get the database in use
--hostname Get the hostname of the DBMS server
--is-dba Determine if we are Admin or not
--users List DBMS users
--passwords List password hashes of DBMS users
--privileges List privileges
--roles List user roles
--dbs List databases in DBMS
--tables List current database tables
--columns List the columns of the current database
--schema List DBMS schemas
--count Get number of records in tables
--dump Dump the records of the current database table
--dump-all Dump all tables from databases to DBMS
--search Search columns, tables and/or database names
--comments Get DBMS comments
-D DB Database in DBMS to enumerate
-T TBL DBMS table to enumerate
-C COL DBMS table column to enumerate
-X EXCLUDECOL Don't list subsequent columns
-U USER DBMS user to enumerate
--exclude-sysdbs Exclude DBMS system databases when listing tables
--where=DUMPWHERE Use WHERE if table is hidden
--start=LIMITSTART Retrieve the first record of the query result
--stop=LIMITSTOP Retrieve the last record of the query result
--first=FIRSTCHAR Extract the first character of a word in the query result
--last=LASTCHAR Extract the last character of a word in the query result
--sql-query=QUERY SQL queries to be executed
--sql-shell Call interactive SQL shell
--sql-file=SQLFILE Execute SQL queries from file(s)

Brute force:
Options to run Brute Force
--common-tables Check for common tables
--common-columns Check for common columns

User Defined Functions:
These options can be used to create custom functions

--udf-inject Inject user defined SQL
--shared-lib=SHLIB Local shared library path

File system access:
These parameters can be used to access the server database management when accessing the FS

--file-read=RFILE Read file from server DBMS FS
--file-write=WFILE Write file to FS
--file-dest=DFILE Absolute path to write the file to the server DBMS

Operating system access:
These options can be used to access server database management when accessing the server OS
--os-cmd=OSCMD Execute command in OS command shell
--os-shell Call an interactive OS shell
--os-pwn Call your own out-of-band shell, meterpeter or VNC
--os-smbrelay Quick call to OBB, meterpeter or VNC
--os-bof Exploit buffer overflow
--priv-esc Elevate the privileges of user processes working with the database
--msf-path=MSFPATH Local path, Metasploit Framework installations
--tmp-path=TMPPATH Absolute path to temporary directory

Windows registry access:
These options can be used to access the Windows registry of the server OS
--reg-read Read the value of a registry key
--reg-add Write registry key value
--reg-del Delete registry key value
--reg-key=REGKEY Registry key
--reg-value=REGVAL Registry key value
--reg-data=REGDATA Registry key value data
--reg-type=REGTYPE Registry key value type

These options can be used to set some general options
-s SESSIONFILE Load saved session from file (.sqlite)
-t TRAFFICFILE Write all HTTP traffic to a file
--batch Do not prompt for user input, default behavior
--charset=CHARSET Set charset for retrieved data
--crawl=CRAWLDEPTH Crawl a website starting from the given URL
--csv-del=CSVDEL Separate characters in CSV output (default is ",")
--dump-format=DU.. Data dump format (CSV (default), HTML or SQLITE)
--eta Show estimated time for each output
--flush-session Ignore current target's session files
--forms Parse and test forms on the given URL
--fresh-queries Ignore the results of queries stored in the session file
--hex Use DBMS hash functions for fetched data
--output-dir=ODIR Custom path for outgoing data
--parse-errors Parse and print errors
--pivot-column=P.. Primary (key) column name
--save Save settings to INI configuration file
--scope=SCOPE Regular for filtering targets from the provided proxies in the file
--test-filter=TE.. Select tests based on payload or headers (e.g. ROW)
--update Update SQLmap
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