U Cards Drop Guide - Carding forum drop


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U Cards Drop Guide
This guide will teach you how to get your own drops or start your own drop service. This includes mail drops.


Here the goal is to have a minimum/no contact at all with anyone involved in the
operation whether it's the postman or any other person that provides help and access to
the carded items. Drops can be found by searchin for empty houses around in an area,whether it's the by car/walk or online. It will be an empty house and if you live in the usa and a parcel recquires no signature,you will just be able to walk in later and pick it off the porch. In many other parts of the world,even if a parcel requires no signature,the postman will knock on the door to deliver and if nobody is there,he will drop a note, and you will have to pick it up at the post office or other options dependin where you live. The specific thing about this guide is that it will allow you to card a very lot of item to one location for a period of time,even if it does require to sign for the parcel,because you won't have to.


1. Safe Drops For Items.

You will need to open accounts in any popular job site that is available and used in
your area,includin more direct sites like craigslist for example. The point here is to make an ad as a reshippin company that is lookin to employ new people and get them to work asap.

To make the ad attractive it would be wise to make a fake logo for the company and a
little bullshit presentation,just to explain what the company is about. You will have to type down a document that the job seeker will have to fill with his details: address,first and last name,age,nationality,NIN (national insurance number for UK,or SSN for USA,each country has it's own system of social number,just pick yours). You will ask for the jobseeker to send a CV (so you will have his picture and more details about him).

You will also make sure to tell "no previous experience equired" in the ad,so that
everybody knows they could apply and you will have more people and addresses to use.
Those detail should be sent to the email you put on the ad. Precise that a response will be sent shortly after receivin their application. Once you get their details messaged,reply and tell them that they are accepted for the job,they will only have to now send a recto/verso of their ID, with their sort number etc,..in short all the details you need to make a cash deposit in their account.
"Pyment will be made at the end of each week by cash deposit" tell them. this is what you will Now there is a twist to this: You could either use that person for a week or so ,and
eiher pay them by cash deposit or decide not to pay them simply. The best option would be to pay them,just to avoid any kind of trouble,complaint.

-So back to the topic:The email response you will send will look like this: Thank you
for the job application,you have been selected. Please provide us with a recto/verso of your ID and your bank account number, payment will be made by cash deposit at the end of each week.

-There are many reasons for askin those details:-to pay the person
-to steal and use the person's identity if they fuck with your packages or fuck around.

-to let the know "your identity is fully known and you could be in trouble if you try to steal a package."
So,once the person sends you the details,you will tell them the details of the"job"in depth:this,that,those items are comin this day of the week, you are expectedto receive them,and a call will be made that day to know if you indeed received it. You will have to call the person to confirm that they have it,so that you won't move for nothin. The way in which you will collect the items is this one,you will buy a bin like This One. To look the part, stickin a big sticker with the logo of the "company" will do a pretty good effect,there will be no suspicion whatsoever and those people will be happy to earn a very easy buck for literally doin close to nothin.
You will come a day or two before you plan to card,and drop that bin in front of their
porch and then leave. Message them couple minutes later on their phone and tell them the"SHIPQUICK BOX" (if you decided to call the company this way) has arrived.
Proceed to card then and when there is confirmation that the item has arrived,come by
the person's house and pick up your items from the box. If you decide to keep workin with that person for some more days,let the box there for The next items,but if you are done,pick up the box aswell and leave. The goal here is to have a minimum/no direct contact with the persons involved Also be the one to have their numbers and use a burner to call them,and spoof your number if you can.Callin with a burner goes without sayin. So the same process will go for each person,and when you describe the job they will have to do by email,you could chose yourself how much you want to give per package and signed for letter. It could be 15$/20$/30$. WORD OF ADVICE: It would be good to have a windbreaker jacket with the company's logo printed on it so that you could wear it just before pickin up the items,nobody would ever question or wonder what you are doin this way,fraud is an art and the smoother things go and the more average joe you look,
the better it is. Have all your "application forms" ready beforehand so you could just mail it quick and easy to each person. Always conduct business well and smooth,you could use one of those persons for other jobs in the future,as bank drop or somethin like so. In the UK this technique is very easy, there is a lot of eastern europe immigration and asian. A lot of students will pick up on those offers and most likely live in flat shares,they don't give a fuck about what is happenin,they will be satisfied to get that little extra easy cash. Same goes for other country,in USA you could use anybody that respons,or some mexican or whatever to do it for you.The possiblities are endless and there are always so many people lookin for work and extra cash.REMEMBER: tell your workers to notify you by email in any cases or problems with a package as soon as possible.

LITTLE REMINDER: The process goes like this :
List ads on a maximum of job sites you can find that are quite known,also use direct sites as craigslist,gumtree etc.Explain what the company is about but not too much in details,just somethin as: We are xxx company,we specialize in xxxx and we need workers as soon as possible entry level,no experience required. Please send a CV to [email protected],and you shall receive a response shortly. Make everythin legit lookin with a nice clean logo and no spellin mistakes in any forms. When you get a response with their cv,respond to them and tell them congratulations bla bla you are accepted,please complete this form(send them a form where they should fill all their infos,NIA or SSN etc depends where you live ,scan of ID recto/verso,two proof of address,some
details will depends on the country you live in,customize;bank details required for a cash deposit).After the message will be received,instructions on the job will be sent to you,please read them carefully. Once you receive that,tell them the task they will have to do,receive items/letters,..etc.They will get it,you will have their numbers and email address. Card,call/or send them an email a day or two before,tell them what will the item be and the name on the package;call the day when the item is there,get confirmation and then > collect.
,the danger is very small but minimizin it is what this is about. If there should be an issue,the person never really saw you or talked to you . If anythin occurs,you are just a worker recruited online and wearin your job jacket. It will be for the best to have a back story setup.As have the "company" employment mails in your mailbox goin back and forth. Have a whole story setup that will be your alibi if anythin happens. The more security the better. The "bin" will always be next to their porch and easy to access,let them know this,it should be obvious.

List Of Jobsites Ive Used This On:
Jobsite #1 Jobsite #2 Jobsite #3 Jobsite #4 Jobsite #5


This method is very effective and I never had any problem usin it.
Purchase a "mail catcher" ,you can select whichever you want from those sites:

Customize it with hooks so that it would allow you to pull it back very fast and easy
from the mail slot,use super glue or anythin you want, the bag should of course be inside the house and only the hooks should be out ,all you will have to do is pull it out and retrieve the letters.
This is no rocket scientist work,anybody could do it. Make sure that it works,test it on your own house or another empty one away from people.Only when you are sure it's set,go to the next step. Dress with your company jacket,and even better with a company cap with the company's
logo,and then go to an EMPTY house where nobody lives ( this does not mean an
abandonned fucked up house) and fix it in.All you have to do then is to wait for the postman to drop a letter,come after him,with your "company" clothes and collect the letter and remove your mail catcher.

GENERAL ADVICE: This goes for both methods: Before comin to the area to do pick ups,always look it out before through google maps,this way you will know;
from which street/corner to come and from where to leave;where you could park your car
or take transports. The good thing here is that if you feel there is somethin dodgy goin on,all you have to do is keep walkin without stop.But somethin dodgy is very unlikely to happen with this method.

This document has been written for educational purpose,everythin you do is at your own risk. I in no forms condone anyone to engage in criminal activities.
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