[Ultimate Free!] Android Botnet ,Rat Spreading Method!


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I am the Original author of this method!

You need Most Badass Android For This You can get it cheap from here :) , Here is My Product Link:

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--- Stoned Cat Anroid Botnet Source Code !

So Here is the Tutorial!
(I know Theres no android traffic sellers or Android Spread Service! But You can make your own Spread service With This!)

Okay First Find any (.apk) Application that live streams football, soccer , basketball and any other!

and bind with your Android Botnet or RAT etc... Now find Sport Match Schedule on goal.com or any other sport match schedule site, if theres any big game like:

Real Madrid vs Barca
Champions League
Paris Saint Germain vs bla2
Golden State Wariors vs Bla2

then you're good to go :) Just go to youtube and Create a video Title named

Watch Live Stream Real Madrid vs Barcaleno 17/04/2016 La Liga
Watch Live Stream Golden State Wariors vs Housten Rockets 17/04/2016 Nba Playoff

and add Annotation on your Video Like Watch Live Free Real vs Barca on Android! Link in Decription! Till start to End of video!
etc.. :)

Theres More lot Android Users on Youtube! More than PC users!

and don't forget to add each teams logo on your Video!

after that add your Android Malware Link in Decription! (It Must Be Direct File Link and FUD!)

(But You Can 100% sure My Product is 100% FUD! :) )

If You do this at Right Time you will Get Tons of Androids!!

This is My High Quality and Private Method!

Appreciate My Work! and Like!
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