[UNIX] Spoofing wlan0 [Wi-Fi]


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If a user chooses to spoof his or her MAC address in order to protect the user's privacy,[8] this is called identity masking. One might wish to do this because a Wi-Fi network's connection will continuously send out each user's MAC address. Even the secure WEP/WPA encryption methods do not prevent Wi-Fi networks from sending out MAC addresses.[9] Hence, in order to avoid being tracked, the user might choose to spoof the device's MAC address. However, hackers use the same technique to maneuver around network permissions without revealing their identity. Some networks use MAC filtering in order to prevent unwanted access. Hackers can use MAC spoofing to get access to a particular network and do some damage. Hackers' MAC spoofing pushes the responsibility for any illegal activity onto authentic users. As a result, the real offender may go undetected by law enforcement.[10] This is a serious downfall of MAC spoofing.

The changing of the assigned MAC address may allow the bypassing of
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, either hiding a computer on a network or allowing it to impersonate another network device. MAC spoofing is done for legitimate and illicit purposes alike.

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Now lets get started ;) there is two ways that I have done successfully, the Mannual way and the Macchanger way. I will be teaching you guys both. :)

Mannual Way.

Open up Terminal.

Type in :

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This will stop the network process. [NOTE : This will ristrict you from going on the internet once you turn it off, until you turn it back on after the spoof you will be aloud to go back onto the Internet]

This will disable your Wireless connection.

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This next command will spoof your Mac Address for wlan0.

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[NOTE : 00:11:22:33:44:55 is just an example, you can customise it to your liking.]

This is re-enable your Wireless connection

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This is start up the network processes so you can get the GUI back up, and connect to the internet.

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MacChanger Way.

First we need to install Mac Changer. Open Terminal.

Type in :
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Now we got to stop the network process. This is done through the following command. [NOTE : This will ristrict you from going on the internet once you turn it off, until you turn it back on after the spoof you will be aloud to go back onto the Internet]

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This will disable your Wireless connection.

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Thank you for reading I hope you have learnt something new, and as always brothers/sisters have a nice day!
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