Upgraded 3D printed rifle shoots 14 times before breaking


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Get ready for another wave of debate on weaponised 3D printers, because the Canadian behind a one-shot-and-it's-dead 3D printed rifle has come back with a weapon that doesn't break when used.

The Canadian in question is known only as Matthew and posts videos of his creation on a YouTube channel previously dedicated to the ukulele.

The channel now has two new videos showing the “Grizzly 2.0”, as the weapon is known. One depicts upgrade being fired by someone we'll assume is “Matthew” holding the Grizzly in his very own hands, not the kind of thing one would do if it were going to explode!

Vulture South does, however, have some doubts about just what you'll see in the video below. We raise suspicions because the barrel of the weapon is always taken out off frame when loaded. If one wished to demonstrate a successful firing of such a weapon, would one not perhaps also try to make it very plain just what's going on?

We're also a little suspicious about the lack of any smoke. Some might say glare in the background of the shot explains that, but why not arrange a better background to make the demonstration more effective and remove any doubt?

Once you've viewed the video you may counter that some small, brassy, cylinders emerge from the barrel after each shot. Or you may look at the video below, featuring hand-held firing, which at about the 0:50 mark does show “Matthew” putting something metallic and yellow into the barrel.

On the plus side, the description of the ten shots video says the ammunition used is the Winchester Dynapoint, a model it's not hard to find online and which also resemble the yellow cylinders in the video.

But of course if one wanted perpetrate a hoax of this nature, one would take care of little details like that.

In any case, the weapon is still far from perfect: the barrel split after the 14th shot.

Other hints from the video suggest “Matthew” now has backers, as he writes “Special Thanks to those who donated for materials costs”. He also says “Files will be available for download shortly.” Let the next wave of hysteria begin!
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