TranscendPro: Milking Square Cashout Guide
Introduction :
You will learn how to milk CC's for hard cash at the ATM, this method has been tested and vouched
I have been personally pulling $500-$600 Cash a day from Square Credit card processing
This method will take some time to setup but is well worth it.
Materials Needed :
1. High Quality FULLZ, the more info or scans you have of this the better.
2. Account
3. $30 Android Burner Phone from Walmart
4. Public Wifi
5. At least $20 Loaded into a prepaid card.
6. Working CC's
7. Square reader ( $10 at Walmart , but they will refund you*** )
8. Burner phone or App
9. Paypal-Prepaid card.
10. Socks5/VPN setup
Steps :
This will be my first guide of many, and this is very sneaky and valid,
I have been ninja-ing around to get this perfect method down for you guys.
1.The first thing you need to get is a paypal-prepaid card. Load it up at 7 eleven with $10
When you go home , register it using SOCKS5/VPN
2. Activate the card and set pin with the FULLZ.
3. It will make you register with an email to create a Paypal Account
4. The paypal account is just your login for the Prepaid bank account.
5. Go into My Account and Click the Direct Deposit button.
6. There will be a Routing and Account number, this will link to Square in 7 Days.
7. Sign up with same email to
8. Add the routing and account number, It will take 7 business days to link .
9. Wait 7 Days, but I suggest you do multiple ones so you can cash out a ton at the same time !!
10. After you get email that Square is successfully linked. You can Enter in the code you got for Buying the $10
**** This is important, they will try to deposit $10 back into your PaypalPrepaid BANCORP Bank account.
Paypal will send you an email that they require verification before allowing the ACH deposit.
So you will have to call in with your FULLZ SSN , and the burner phone.
You will call in and using try your best to answer the security questions.
If you FAIL you will need to send in a Ultility Scan, but thats ok. The Paypal Agent will give you a confirmation
over the phone , write it down, and send your scan with that in the Subject title.
Buy a scan from Evo or
Paypal will verify your account by next day.
Now the $10 from Square will hit your PAYPAL-PREPAID account via ACH!
If you didnt buy the reader, you can do this same step by manually entering $10 from a Another Prepaid or gift Card
you got .
**** This is just so Square establishes communication with your bank account ******Now the hard part is over.
All that's left is
1. Either use DUMPS and MSR to swipe a bunch $150 , $200 sales into square .
2. Be creative with the amounts, Manual enter some CC's at Starbucks into Android Burner
Best to get CC's from same State / City.
3. Do not Pass $550/600 a DAY in deposits.
4. Deposits Made before 5PM PST will be in bank account next morning !
5. Go to ATM cover face and withdraw cash !! $$$$$$$$
6. Rinse and repeat.
7. Chargeback time proven to be 2 weeks
8. Charge people near first half of the month so they don't check Credit card statement and chargeback.
ADDITIONAL TIPS: Mix in your other prepaid cards , Manual enter or swipe them to charge $5 , $10 so
not all payments will force Square to see suspiscious chargeback activity. So $5 your own money. Then
$156.67 from CC's .
Remember your PIN, and don't lose the prepaid card.
You can reuse CC's next day. Until they stop working.
When Setting Up Square Account , make business sound like a service , or retail items mobile with no address
You can use FakeGPS app on Android Burner / Emulator
PAYPAL PREPAID Works in ATMS worldwide.
Note this section is for if you have a maildrop with access to it.
If you have a maildrop, Apply for with FULLZ but send the card to the maildrop.
The card will arrive with EMBOSSED name of the FULLZ , to Paypal this means you are that person and won't
ask you to verify for PENDING ACH payments from Square.
So get this card and activate it , but it will ask you to verify with questions, if you fail then you cannot use that
drop . And will need to send in UTILITY scan / Photo ID scan which is still possible.
Or when activating the Paypal Prepaid from store, USE you maildrop Address. They will send you embossed card,
Activate and , do same steps with Square above.
Download VMWare , and install a copy of Windows 8 Activated from torrent.
Register at and add bitcoin to buy some socks.
Download Socks Proxifier program, login and get socks based on location.
Adjust proxy settings in Chrome or Firefox
Load Closest Proxy to Address in Credit card info.
Use CC to card
or have ballz and card anything you want .
Always Check Emails Associated with fraud on your VMware setup with VIP72 Socks Client open.
This is for if you don't want to buy an Android phone, or you
live outside USA
Have VMware open with VIP72 Socks Client loaded
1. Download phone emulator program called Genymotion
2. Launch application and install required plugins / Choose Android phone to emulate.
3. Download FakeGPS on emulator
4. Download Square App on Genymotion emulator.
5. Enter card numbers into Genymotion phone. Based on FakeGPS location , manual enter CC's into Square.
1.) fullz related question - for eg: during year 2013, i have student loans under which bank? answer is in objective,
A,B,C,D.. so you pick which bank name.
2.) credit profile questions - do i have credit card under which bank? same, answer is in objective form as well..
A,B,C,B.. so u pick which bank name
3.) whats my middle name?
4.) Account Type : chequing or savings
after you get thru this steps you should see the dashboard and can start charging cc
but after they see you charging too much, they will ask you further verification before process further withdrawal to
your bankdrop.. here is the questions i gathered for you all
5.) how do u use square?
- there is long list of answer, individual, recreation, retail,, you choose appropiate one,..
same as your previous answer during registration. usually for online store..we just choose "retail"
6.) business name
- you need to put business name
7.) business website
- enter your
8.) GST or HST Number
9.) upload gov issued documents
- you need to have scans of the following..example include business license, occupational license, red seal certificate,
or business registration
10.) where can we learn more about you? - Linkedin URL Optional
- this can be easily defeated..just register an account at linkedin
11.) Third party website Optional, Link to websites that reference your business.. (Yelp, BBB, or Foursquare)
12.) How do you use Square?
-since we dont have card reader..usually we choose the last option.. " i manually enter cc number bcoz my customers
pay over phone, email or paper form"
13.) Recents payments section - in your most recent transaction what did you sell?
- you need to tell them what items what did u sell
14,) please describe your relationship with this cardholder
15.) upload invoice
- they also asking for be prepared, need photoshopped invoice
16.) upload advertisement
- they also ask for advertisement of your business, so be prepared, need photoshopped ads
*Note *for the 3 type documents, if cannot upload on the dashboard you also can fax to 1-877-805-2214
so thats all about it.. if at this stage you feel too much work and dont want to pass their verification, you just issue
refund on the unpaid cc.. hope they will refund so you can reuse the cc on other place. good luck
Introduction :
You will learn how to milk CC's for hard cash at the ATM, this method has been tested and vouched
I have been personally pulling $500-$600 Cash a day from Square Credit card processing
This method will take some time to setup but is well worth it.
Materials Needed :
1. High Quality FULLZ, the more info or scans you have of this the better.
2. Account
3. $30 Android Burner Phone from Walmart
4. Public Wifi
5. At least $20 Loaded into a prepaid card.
6. Working CC's
7. Square reader ( $10 at Walmart , but they will refund you*** )
8. Burner phone or App
9. Paypal-Prepaid card.
10. Socks5/VPN setup
Steps :
This will be my first guide of many, and this is very sneaky and valid,
I have been ninja-ing around to get this perfect method down for you guys.
1.The first thing you need to get is a paypal-prepaid card. Load it up at 7 eleven with $10
When you go home , register it using SOCKS5/VPN
2. Activate the card and set pin with the FULLZ.
3. It will make you register with an email to create a Paypal Account
4. The paypal account is just your login for the Prepaid bank account.
5. Go into My Account and Click the Direct Deposit button.
6. There will be a Routing and Account number, this will link to Square in 7 Days.
7. Sign up with same email to
8. Add the routing and account number, It will take 7 business days to link .
9. Wait 7 Days, but I suggest you do multiple ones so you can cash out a ton at the same time !!
10. After you get email that Square is successfully linked. You can Enter in the code you got for Buying the $10
**** This is important, they will try to deposit $10 back into your PaypalPrepaid BANCORP Bank account.
Paypal will send you an email that they require verification before allowing the ACH deposit.
So you will have to call in with your FULLZ SSN , and the burner phone.
You will call in and using try your best to answer the security questions.
If you FAIL you will need to send in a Ultility Scan, but thats ok. The Paypal Agent will give you a confirmation
over the phone , write it down, and send your scan with that in the Subject title.
Buy a scan from Evo or
Paypal will verify your account by next day.
Now the $10 from Square will hit your PAYPAL-PREPAID account via ACH!
If you didnt buy the reader, you can do this same step by manually entering $10 from a Another Prepaid or gift Card
you got .
**** This is just so Square establishes communication with your bank account ******Now the hard part is over.
All that's left is
1. Either use DUMPS and MSR to swipe a bunch $150 , $200 sales into square .
2. Be creative with the amounts, Manual enter some CC's at Starbucks into Android Burner
Best to get CC's from same State / City.
3. Do not Pass $550/600 a DAY in deposits.
4. Deposits Made before 5PM PST will be in bank account next morning !
5. Go to ATM cover face and withdraw cash !! $$$$$$$$
6. Rinse and repeat.
7. Chargeback time proven to be 2 weeks
8. Charge people near first half of the month so they don't check Credit card statement and chargeback.
ADDITIONAL TIPS: Mix in your other prepaid cards , Manual enter or swipe them to charge $5 , $10 so
not all payments will force Square to see suspiscious chargeback activity. So $5 your own money. Then
$156.67 from CC's .
Remember your PIN, and don't lose the prepaid card.
You can reuse CC's next day. Until they stop working.
When Setting Up Square Account , make business sound like a service , or retail items mobile with no address
You can use FakeGPS app on Android Burner / Emulator
PAYPAL PREPAID Works in ATMS worldwide.
Note this section is for if you have a maildrop with access to it.
If you have a maildrop, Apply for with FULLZ but send the card to the maildrop.
The card will arrive with EMBOSSED name of the FULLZ , to Paypal this means you are that person and won't
ask you to verify for PENDING ACH payments from Square.
So get this card and activate it , but it will ask you to verify with questions, if you fail then you cannot use that
drop . And will need to send in UTILITY scan / Photo ID scan which is still possible.
Or when activating the Paypal Prepaid from store, USE you maildrop Address. They will send you embossed card,
Activate and , do same steps with Square above.
Download VMWare , and install a copy of Windows 8 Activated from torrent.
Register at and add bitcoin to buy some socks.
Download Socks Proxifier program, login and get socks based on location.
Adjust proxy settings in Chrome or Firefox
Load Closest Proxy to Address in Credit card info.
Use CC to card
or have ballz and card anything you want .
Always Check Emails Associated with fraud on your VMware setup with VIP72 Socks Client open.
This is for if you don't want to buy an Android phone, or you
live outside USA
Have VMware open with VIP72 Socks Client loaded
1. Download phone emulator program called Genymotion
2. Launch application and install required plugins / Choose Android phone to emulate.
3. Download FakeGPS on emulator
4. Download Square App on Genymotion emulator.
5. Enter card numbers into Genymotion phone. Based on FakeGPS location , manual enter CC's into Square.
1.) fullz related question - for eg: during year 2013, i have student loans under which bank? answer is in objective,
A,B,C,D.. so you pick which bank name.
2.) credit profile questions - do i have credit card under which bank? same, answer is in objective form as well..
A,B,C,B.. so u pick which bank name
3.) whats my middle name?
4.) Account Type : chequing or savings
after you get thru this steps you should see the dashboard and can start charging cc
but after they see you charging too much, they will ask you further verification before process further withdrawal to
your bankdrop.. here is the questions i gathered for you all
5.) how do u use square?
- there is long list of answer, individual, recreation, retail,, you choose appropiate one,..
same as your previous answer during registration. usually for online store..we just choose "retail"
6.) business name
- you need to put business name
7.) business website
- enter your
8.) GST or HST Number
9.) upload gov issued documents
- you need to have scans of the following..example include business license, occupational license, red seal certificate,
or business registration
10.) where can we learn more about you? - Linkedin URL Optional
- this can be easily defeated..just register an account at linkedin
11.) Third party website Optional, Link to websites that reference your business.. (Yelp, BBB, or Foursquare)
12.) How do you use Square?
-since we dont have card reader..usually we choose the last option.. " i manually enter cc number bcoz my customers
pay over phone, email or paper form"
13.) Recents payments section - in your most recent transaction what did you sell?
- you need to tell them what items what did u sell
14,) please describe your relationship with this cardholder
15.) upload invoice
- they also asking for be prepared, need photoshopped invoice
16.) upload advertisement
- they also ask for advertisement of your business, so be prepared, need photoshopped ads
*Note *for the 3 type documents, if cannot upload on the dashboard you also can fax to 1-877-805-2214
so thats all about it.. if at this stage you feel too much work and dont want to pass their verification, you just issue
refund on the unpaid cc.. hope they will refund so you can reuse the cc on other place. good luck