Using SQLNinja to own MS-SQL Database Servers
Posted by: August 1, 2013 in , ,
This video was recorded and produced by Hood3dRob1n and is for educational purposes only.
This is a special demo I made for a few friends to highlight how you can use SQLNINJA to completely pwn MS-SQL Servers where stacked queries are supported, without any need to dump anything or set foot in any admin panel.
Source: Using SQLNinja to own MS-SQL Database Servers
Posted by: August 1, 2013 in , ,
This video was recorded and produced by Hood3dRob1n and is for educational purposes only.
This is a special demo I made for a few friends to highlight how you can use SQLNINJA to completely pwn MS-SQL Servers where stacked queries are supported, without any need to dump anything or set foot in any admin panel.
Source: Using SQLNinja to own MS-SQL Database Servers