Venemo+bank login cashout
Bank Transfers to avoid chargebacks and
ACH processes take 3-5 solid days to complete transfer.
Within these bloated days, chargedback would have occurred or probabily
some part of the transfer would cause alert and would require Drivers ID or passport
which you dont have. that is a slackback.
Such a shitload of crap makes you waste your time, bandwidth and live with luck.
This method makes chargeback occur after you have finished spending your money.
Slackbacks depends on how smart and careful you are.
This method allows a third party cashout to be involve instead of it being a direct transfer.
And transfer is within two days.
Bnk logs come in the form
name: Rarr T Orgaz
Acc : 030002020145XXXXXXXXXXXX
Routing: 12045XXXXXX
Bnk name: Bank of
ssn:451 24 3653
dob: 53/89/4021
then maybe additionals will be
state, City, email and pass
1. you will goto and get a prepaid card with checking acc using the bank logs.
that will take 3-5 days for u to activate the card but u can deposit after registration success.
And as far as you havent caused any chnges in the account, the owner will not be notified.
2. go to venmo and register an acc with the prepaid account details.
verify the venmo acc with the ssn and dob.
3.after a day, add the prepaid acc to your venmo acc and verify it.
add the bnk log details to the venmo acc and verify it.
Two days gone.
4. On the third day, load less than $11,000 in your venmo balance.
5. on the next day, cashout less than $10000 into your prepaid acc.
the money is yours. fuck with it.
6. the mail containing the card would have reached your drop.
Activate it online and cashout immediately.
1. prepaid cards take only $10,000 and less.
If more than $10000, it will be returned into your venmo balance.
2.Transfer money the next day after you load it.
3.there should be a name,ssn, dob, and socks match between
the prepaid acc, venmo acc and the bnk logs.
4.Dont cashout everything from venmo balance.
5.Be smart.
Bank Transfers to avoid chargebacks and
ACH processes take 3-5 solid days to complete transfer.
Within these bloated days, chargedback would have occurred or probabily
some part of the transfer would cause alert and would require Drivers ID or passport
which you dont have. that is a slackback.
Such a shitload of crap makes you waste your time, bandwidth and live with luck.
This method makes chargeback occur after you have finished spending your money.
Slackbacks depends on how smart and careful you are.
This method allows a third party cashout to be involve instead of it being a direct transfer.
And transfer is within two days.
Bnk logs come in the form
name: Rarr T Orgaz
Acc : 030002020145XXXXXXXXXXXX
Routing: 12045XXXXXX
Bnk name: Bank of
ssn:451 24 3653
dob: 53/89/4021
then maybe additionals will be
state, City, email and pass
1. you will goto and get a prepaid card with checking acc using the bank logs.
that will take 3-5 days for u to activate the card but u can deposit after registration success.
And as far as you havent caused any chnges in the account, the owner will not be notified.
2. go to venmo and register an acc with the prepaid account details.
verify the venmo acc with the ssn and dob.
3.after a day, add the prepaid acc to your venmo acc and verify it.
add the bnk log details to the venmo acc and verify it.
Two days gone.
4. On the third day, load less than $11,000 in your venmo balance.
5. on the next day, cashout less than $10000 into your prepaid acc.
the money is yours. fuck with it.
6. the mail containing the card would have reached your drop.
Activate it online and cashout immediately.
1. prepaid cards take only $10,000 and less.
If more than $10000, it will be returned into your venmo balance.
2.Transfer money the next day after you load it.
3.there should be a name,ssn, dob, and socks match between
the prepaid acc, venmo acc and the bnk logs.
4.Dont cashout everything from venmo balance.
5.Be smart.